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Zeiss Super Speeds mkII, coated or uncoated?

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I have shot with the Zeiss Super Speeds mkII on three short films in the past. I have always rented from bigger rental companies such as Keslow, BeCine etc. 
From what I have gathered, you can get the mkII both coated and uncoated, and every time I rented them from the bigger vendors they ask if I want with or without coating. I always choose with coating as I like the look better. Especially for the type of projects I do. 

For my upcoming shoot, I'm choosing them again, but this time I'm renting them from Sharegrid. I have messaged most of the owners, asking if they are coated or uncoated, but none of them knows. Some list "it has the magical T coating", but I don't know if that means a different coating or the regular coating? Anyway, due to low budget, I want to rent the ones with the cheapest price (due to budget restrictions), but none of them seems to have a clue if they are coated or not. So I guess my question is: Is it true that you can get coated and uncoated for the mkII version? When I research this online, it seems like people refer to the uncoated version as the mkI version (B-speeds) not mkII. Also, is there anyway to figure out if they are coated or not by just looking at them? They won't let me test the lenses, but I could stop to have a look. 


Edited by Leo Behrens
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