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CS Lewis on Filming Narnia

Guest Charlie Seper

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Guest Charlie Seper

CS Lewis Letter to BBC producer Lance Sieveking


The BBC offers no attempts toward provenance concerning the above letter but I've read much of the 3 volumes of the published letters of CS Lewis and it sure reads like a Lewis letter to me. Anyhow, I was glad to see it because it adds toward verification of what I always thought he would have mused on the subject of his Narnia stories being made into anything other than animated movies. He says exactly what I've always thought, i.e.?that talking animals are awful in anything outside of an animation, and I don't give a hang if it?s a CGI 3D either. It just doesn't work.


I'm sure a lot of people will go to see "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" but I'll be outside the theatre barking from the end of my chain (as someone else I know put it). Its amazing the lengths some filmmakers will go to for the sake of destroying a perfectly good book.

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i'm planning on seeing the film, but, i am quite worried about it. I agree with you, Lewis probably would have been opposed to, or at least very reserved about, a film adaptation of his books. But, if I'm not mistaken, he was ambivalent at best towards film as a medium in general.


CS Lewis Letter to BBC producer Lance Sieveking


The BBC offers no attempts toward provenance concerning the above letter but I've read much of the 3 volumes of the published letters of CS Lewis and it sure reads like a Lewis letter to me. Anyhow, I was glad to see it because it adds toward verification of what I always thought he would have mused on the subject of his Narnia stories being made into anything other than animated movies. He says exactly what I've always thought, i.e.?that talking animals are awful in anything outside of an animation, and I don't give a hang if it?s a CGI 3D either. It just doesn't work.


I'm sure a lot of people will go to see "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" but I'll be outside the theatre barking from the end of my chain (as someone else I know put it). Its amazing the lengths some filmmakers will go to for the sake of destroying a perfectly good book.

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