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Tim Myers

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I know this question has been asked in these forums but I'm in a pretty big hurry. It is indeed possible to edit super-8 in my computer correct? Who and where can I send my film to and how does it end up in my computer? Expensive? Thanks. One other unrelated but equally important question: if I'm filming in a dim house, how can I ensure my camera will pick everything up clearly? Lights I know, but any specific ideas? Thanks.

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Hello Tim,


Yes, you can edit Super 8 film on a computer (with programs like iMovie, Final Cut Pro and others). There are a few ways to get your film into your computer (some cheaper and some more expensive). If you have a digital video camera and a projector, this is the cheapest method. You show your movie on the wall and videotape it, then hook your video camera up to your computer and download it into the editing program. Now, while this is the cheapest, the results (how good the film will look) is a mixed bag. If you want it to look much better then you need to send the film off to a company that can telecine your film onto digital videotape. This will look much better, but depending on what equipment they use the price will go up. I have seen prices from 20 dollars a roll to hundreds per roll.



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