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Technician Wages

Henry Corkum

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Hi everyone. I'm new to the television production scene. I'm on my first job now as a Camera Technician running the VTR's, doing color correction for the cameras, and controlling IRIS, etc with a NTSC system. The show I'm working on is running 2 main cameras and a pencil cam. I'm working at least 12 hours each day. This being my first job, I had an experienced technician with me to show me all the ropes, and I know everything now about running everything. Troubleshooting and so on will come with experience. Anyways, I thought I would give some background and now to get to my point.. What is an average wage per day for this type of job? I know location is a factor, but just thought I would get an idea of what others are getting paid. I will be doing another show in summer and I am wondering if I should try to charge a little more. Thanks.

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