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Should I buy this Scoopic?


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I've found a Canon Scoopic for sale in excellent working condition at a very reasonable price--with this caveat: the seller says that "the 2 12v nickel cadmium batteries included may need to be replaced, or rewired."


Does anybody know what's involved in replacing the batteries? What kind of costs would I be looking at to get this done?

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Does anyone know what the difference between the regular Scoopic 16 and the Scoopic 16M is? On the link listed above I noticed that replacement battery chargers for the regular Scoopic are $75, but they're $250 for the M! Anybody know why?

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Does anyone know what the difference between the regular Scoopic 16 and the Scoopic 16M is?


The Scoopic 16 has a 13-76mm (f1.6-22) zoom lens with film running speeds of 16,24,32 and 48 fps. The zoom lens focuses to five feet. It has a BTL automatic meter system with a provision for film up to 320ASA. It takes 100' daylight spools only.


The Scoopic 16M is the same as the original except it has a 12.5-75mm (F1.8) lens with macro function, which allows it to focus within inches of the subject when set to it's widest angle. It can also do a cool trick where you can focus on an object in the telephoto position and then zoom out to the widest angle and hold focus on a foreground object. It can run up to 64fps. It also has automatic exposure setting up to 640ASA.


The Scoopic MS is the same camera as the 16M but adds the ability to have behind the lens filters (which are not visible in the viewfinder). In addition, if you purchase a magazine adapter (very hard to find) you can add 400' CP 16 magazines to the top of the camera for core film.


Please see this link for more information:




On the link listed above I noticed that replacement battery chargers for the regular Scoopic are $75, but they're $250 for the M! Anybody know why?


I would contact the company and ask them why. You can usually find pretty good deals on all of this stuff if you look on Ebay. Just type in the key work "Scoopic"

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