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Lens Files

Brian Dzyak

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I just need a clarification if anyone here knows the answer. When choosing a lens file in the menu, one finds a simple list of numbers to pick from. Is there a list of lenses which corresponds with those numbers? There is nothing in the user manual to help.


I have a file chosen, but I'm not convinced that I have the correct one. Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding the entire process.


Thank you!

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  • 2 months later...
I just need a clarification if anyone here knows the answer. When choosing a lens file in the menu, one finds a simple list of numbers to pick from. Is there a list of lenses which corresponds with those numbers? There is nothing in the user manual to help.


I have a file chosen, but I'm not convinced that I have the correct one. Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding the entire process.


Thank you!



which camera?


with SONY you have to create these files, or they have been made by a former user. In last case

it's useful to name the lens files with a short description, Lens, T Stop, focal length.

a brand new camera won't have any lens files stored inside.


Harry Capota



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