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Director and DP fired by Warner Bros.

Bill Totolo

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Dear Landon,

My name is Greg Gross I'm a professional Photographer and have been

for approx. 25 yrs. I work 4 to 5 days as a respiratory therapist (90,000.00)

yearly to get 4 to 5 days off to do my other profession(photography). Please

believe that my success in photography is through collaboration with other

creative people not just myself. My god son we all learn from experts who

who know about the things we are striving for. What is wrong with setting

down with the producer,directer,writer listening to what they want to achieve?

This is a stepping stone to anyones carreer, a learning process. For a long

time in my life I've been working with light. I feel it sometimes breathe it, I

think! I want you to do something for me. Please in your free time view the

movie North Fork. If you look on the jacket of the dvd case you will see that

the DP of this film was M. David Mullen and at the present time the letters

ASC are attached to his name. Son! Do you have any idea at all what this

means. The jacket will also tell you that its a Paramount film (not sundance).

Looking further at the jacket you will see the names James Woods,Nick Nolte,

Peter Coyote,Daryl Hannah. Its a wonderful film with great acting,beautiful

lighting. Do you think after viewing the film that this great motion picture was

made with collaboration of creative people? God Speed Landon! and I wish

you the best with you're film carreer! Pd 170user@yahoo.com

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Now his job is just to yell action and cut. That is why so many directors make one film every 7 years, becuase they are so tired of the same old process, just like Robert Rodrequez says.

That is ridiculous.


If your knowledge of the filmindustry is based on listening to Robert Rodriguez's dvd commentary tracks then I am afraid to say it is about on the same level as your spelling.

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Well, yeah, probably they would pay more than 3 million. So when is Johnny and Antonio coming in to be on set? How is SAG treating you? What is for lunch? Are their drivers doing okay?


#1: I dont know they are. The casting Director I talked to told me once the film is funded, that its worth a try to send the screenplay to them.


#2: SAG, So fare is treating me good. I have called them several time. they dont seem to care about my age, as long as someone 18 signs the contracts. Or they will let me sign them if I get Emancipated.


#3: Lunch will be in the lunch room of Bloomington Center Studios

and we will shoot there also.


#4: I dont know, I have not met them yet :-) I'll keep you posted.


I know what SAG's rules are. I have read there agreements more than once. but almost anybody you hear of it is a SAG member, and I may just have to live with SAG if I want my film to go anywhere.


According to the Casting Director I talked to, he said that I had a better chance of getting bigger stars. He said Because 100% of my film is to be shot on Bluescreen, that gives them a flexible calender to come in when they can.

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Well, yeah, probably they would pay more than 3 million. So when is Johnny and Antonio coming in to be on set? How is SAG treating you? What is for lunch? Are their drivers doing okay?


#1: I dont know they are. The casting Director I talked to told me once the film is funded, that its worth a try to send the screenplay to them.


#2: SAG, So fare is treating me good. I have called them several time. they dont seem to care about my age, as long as someone 18 signs the contracts. Or they will let me sign them if I get Emancipated.


#3: Lunch will be in the lunch room of Bloomington Center Studios

and we will shoot there also.


#4: I dont know, I have not met them yet :-) I'll keep you posted.


I know what SAG's rules are. I have read there agreements more than once. but almost anybody you hear of it is a SAG member, and I may just have to live with SAG if I want my film to go anywhere.


According to the Casting Director I talked to, he said that I had a better chance of getting bigger stars. He said Because 100% of my film is to be shot on Bluescreen, that gives them a flexible calender to come in when they can.

I have so much to say, but all I will really say is that you really have a lot to learn.


Also, I agree with what everyone (except Landon) has said about Rodriguez and his inability to realize that he is sacrificing the quality of his movies to save a buck (or get more credit for the sub-par work). The film industry works as a team effort because it is impossible for one person to know and think about EVERY aspect of the film. It's just not realistic...unless you want an obviously underplanned/unfocused movie.

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my best wishes for your film project. I can understand that you want to do it your way, and I like that you seem to be excited about the process of filmmaking.


I have done what you seem to be doing, I didn't accept other people's attempts to share their own experiences, and to some extent I feel today that everybody has to learn for himself what hurts and where the alligators are.

If you feel like it, take that route, but be prepared to pay for it, possibly by losing a lot of money, maybe losing valuable years of your life. I did it, and I assure you, it IS a way of learning the facts. Too melodramatic, you say? There IS a chance that you may become the next R. Rodriguez, and I would be glad to see it.


But there is also a danger in believing all the nice legends and cool stuff they tell you in magazines and on DVD audio commentarys, because it's mostly bull****. In most cases people who did a professional job tell you how spontaneous they were and how the actors made up the lines while shooting, and how they always knew it would turn out to be a success. It's human, it's advertising, and it is not to be taken serious.

Behind every successful indie film there are many that have been abandoned before or during production, that were shelved or sold cheaply without a dime for the creative people. Those people will remain silent because only success talks.


In the old days studios made sure that a new director was helped by experienced craftsmen so he could concentrate on his work. If you have the greatest vision of your film, get the best craftspeople to make the film, don't try to reinvent the wheel.


That said, good luck on your project! ;)

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There IS a chance that you may become the next R. Rodriguez, and I would be glad to see it.

Thank you. Are are very kind.


Im going to just say this. I thank all of you for your comments on how I should and should not do it.


However, IT seems to me that they way you are telling me is the way its "Suppose" to be done.


I dont like that way. I like to be different. To do things different.


The point I guess im trying to make is that my process works. It may not be perfect, but it works. It is tested and it does work.


It may not be the right way, or the best way. But Followers never get anywhere either.


I like my way, it allows me more freedom, it lets me improvise onset, have a lot of fun and such.


If you not having a blast of fun on the set, then everyone else seems to have a bad day.


You, as the director have to show your excitement in the project. that makes everyone else work harder. Or at least in my mind it does.


I just dont find the regulare way to make films fun. you spend so much time planing the film that you get tired of it before you even start shooting.


I dont like that feeling. I like it when everything is fresh and exciting.

And when you can descide things on the spur of the moment.


A well organized production is key, but a TO Organized production is BAD


On making my film, I would settle what needed to be settle in pre-production. Such as Budget Breakdowns, Location Scouts, Crew hiring, Casting, Read through's, production design, Contracts, Equipment Rental. and maybee do some storyboarding of a scene in which you know you must have and that you run the risk of forgetting.


Then you start filming, and you then you can fully say "That lighting looks good" or "That is the camera angel I want".


I will also do some "Camera Angel" guides in pre-production. in which I will draw the room or location we will shoot and draw the movement I would LIKE for the camera. But I always understand that it may not turn out that way. I will for more chalenging location or location we dont have for very long sit down with the DP and craw a detail of how the WHOLE thing should look. Lighting, Camer Angel, Actor Location, ect... But that is only where needed.


Thats My Process.... If it differs fromy ours, Im sorry. Its just the way I do it.


Please, I thank you for your comments. But please, let me make the movie the way that works for me.


I dont want to make anyone mad at me here. this is a nice foroum, I just want to do it my way.

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Hi Landon:


Although I might not agree with everything you say, I do admire your convictions. Now, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND GO MAKE YOUR MOVIE! It sounds like you are trying to prove something. To yourself, to people here on this forum, to the world... As Nike so eloquently puts it, JUST DO IT.


"I'm going to do it this way", "I'm not going to do it that way", "Damn the studios to hell", "I'm going to shoot this film this way", etc. etc. etc. The stuff I see written by you in these posts are things I would expect to see in a JOURNAL one would keep while working on a film. If you want people to share your convictions, then show them by doing, not by telling. Hmm, much like a good film does.


BTW - If you haven't already read it, pick up a copy of Spike Lee's book on his first film, She's Gotta Have It. A much better reality on making a first independent feature than Robert Rodriguez.


I do wish you the best of luck and success.


John G.

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Although I might not agree with everything you say, I do admire your convictions.

Thank you.


I'm going to do it this way", "I'm not going to do it that way", "Damn the studios to hell", "I'm going to shoot this film this way", etc. etc. etc. The stuff I see written by you in these posts are things I would expect to see in a JOURNAL one would keep while working on a film.

I was getting a little carried away wasn't I? sorry.


BTW - If you haven't already read it, pick up a copy of Spike Lee's book on his first film, She's Gotta Have It.

I have not read it, I will look into it. Thanks.


I do wish you the best of luck and success.

Thank you for your help

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That sounds rediculous. A directors job is to look over everything. If a movie is a flop and looks like poop, people blame the director not the DP or the actors. So I think this is complete bullshit. One more reason to hate WB.

Actually, if a movie looks like poop the D.P. will be blamed just as much as the director, if not more. It's a D.P.'s job to make the movie look the way the director wants it. If it doesn't look right, then the blame falls on the D.P. It's very simple.

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" Ok, #1: Im not looking for Investments."


So you're independently wealthy?


"#2: I did not post that for you to rate how I make films. do you wanna come work on my film set? and see how I make movies. I think you'll be surprised."


I think I would be.


"Everyone does it different. Whats right for you maybee be way wronge for others. And it just so happends that this is the way I make a movie, like it or not."


I don't "like it" or "not like it". I was trying to help you.


"You know what? I may not be "Doing it right". But there is no right way, it works in all ways. and so fare it has worked just fine for me. I think that I have a pretty fast turnaround on my films also."


Please list the names of your films so I can rent them or go see them in the theater.


"However im doing it, It must be right in some way."


Why MUST it be right?


"I know a lot more than you think."


I don't know what you "know" or don't know. Again, I was trying to help you.


"I was not saying. "Just wait till you get there, then figure it out". I was saying that one should not plan EVERYTHING in advance. Not only does it not work, but it makes everyones job boring once on set."


Don't you think that if NOT planning was the best way to do things that successful filmmakers would have been making films this way for years? There's a reason everything is so planned out.....because things will change, and if you don't have a solid plan of how you want things to go any changes will be an even bigger problem.


"Planning EXACTLY how a shot will look in pre-production is not right. You can plan it just to get a basic idea of what you want, but I dont suggest saying... "Ok, this is where Joe will be, where gonna light over here and there should be enough light we dont need to lug the whole light kit around, lets just take a little to this location."


You can NEVER plan EXACTLY how a shot will look in advance. There are too many variables. But having a good idea of what you want is very important.


"You know, I think thats the problem with so many movies there days. Everything is so planned that Everyones job on set boring. in pre-production you have already planned were everyone will be, how they will act, how the lighting is, camera angels and such. now on set, what is the director suppose to do? Everything is already planned."


So you're worried that you won't have anything to do on set if you plan in advance? Don't worry, you'll have as much to do as you can handle. That's the whole point in planning in pre-production. There is so much to do as a director once you're on set that you don't have time to figure EVERTHING out on the day.


"Now his job is just to yell action and cut. That is why so many directors make one film every 7 years, becuase they are so tired of the same old process, just like Robert Rodrequez says."


Wow, you couldn't be more wrong. If you'd worked in the business, even for a couple days on one job, you would know that.


"And I think he has some wise words that 70% of you should listen to."


Yeah, right!


"Again though, im not here to prove anything to you guys. Once my film is in theaters you will see how capable I am of making a great movie."


We shall see......or not.


"#3: Yes, $3 milllion. I must say the process os fun, but lets get one thing straight, Directing is a "Job", and it makes money."


You're fooling yourself.


"And yes, I think if I had Johnny depp for one day and Antonio Banderas for 2 days and maybee a few other lesser know but equaly great actors for a few days, I think a studio would buy it for $3 million or more."


But what do you really think you're going to pay these guys for their work? Certainly not scale. I think $50,000.00 would be a conservative estimate. I'm actually still wondering how you plan on getting the money together without investments. Care to tell?


"Johnny depp sells tickets. I can promise you that once a studio see's hes in a movie they would be beating my door down. same with a lot of other actors."


Johnny Depp DOES sell tickets to SOME movies. But if you think you're going to be able to hire him for one day of work and then use his image to advertise the film you're wrong. It doesn't work that way.


"Can you imagin a Johnny Depp movie not getting a Distrobution deal!?!?!?!?! lol. and a Wide one for that."


Yes, I can imagine that. Movies with big stars get shelved all the time, and never see the light of day. If they're lucky they'll go straight to video.


"Now, again, like this or not, it is my movie. I will run it how I feel free to. This is how I run it, and I think everyone should just accept my way as just one of the other 5,000 ways someone makes a movie."


You can do whatever you want if you're working with your own money. As far as 5,000 ways to make a movie.......well, I'd tend to disagree with that. There are certain ways to do things. You can't just wing it.


"Im not here for you to tell me how terrible I am, or how Im crazy or dont know what Im talking about."


I've never once seen someone here call you "terrible". Everyone here has gone out of their way to try to help you, and you keep telling them how "wrong" they are, and that you "know what you're doing" and have proven yourself. If you keep up that attitude you certainly WILL prove yourself to be someone that other people may not want to work with.


"Maybee I think you process is Crazy? ever thought of that?"


That's just silly. And again.....the spelling. My process is a process that's been proven for years on film sets. That's why I keep working and making a living in this business.


"Ok. So im not answering anymore if all people can post is how im doing it wronge, there is more productive things in life."


A more productive thing in YOUR life right now might be to stop telling everyone how RIGHT you are and start listening to people who know what they're talking about. You can't just KNOW everything.....especially if what you "know" has been learned from listening to Robert Rodriguez commentary tracks and watching Project Greenlight. You have to learn from other people at some point. I'd much prefer to learn from someone else's mistakes than from my own, but you obviously disagree.

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"Im not interested in writing skills here, im interested in tellijng you what you want to hear so you can yell more at me. "


First of all, you should be "interested in writing skills here". If you respect the people you're communicating with you'll take the time to do things right so that they can fully understand what you're trying to say.

Second, you sound like a baby. "Stop yelling at me mom!! I know more than you do!!!"


"If im writing a report, yes, i'll watch my writing skills. But here, Im in to much of a hurry to type this so I can do more productive stuff."


Well, if you're in too much of a hurry here than you may as well not bother coming here at all, and then you can spend more time on "more prodcutive stuff".


"are you my teacher?!? Why does it matter to you how I spell."


Because you're spelling is so terrible that it's often hard to even understand what you're trying to say. And no, I'm not your teacher, but you could obviously use one.


"Oh and P.S) I made an A- in Writing for your info, and I made it to the 10th grade."


Wait, I think I can piss a little further! I made an A+ in creative writing in my senior year of college! LOL


"So, yes I know how to write very fine thank you."


Obviously not.

By not taking the time to at least spell correctly in your posts, you're basically saying fu** you to everyone that reads what you say. But most of your posts are saying fu** you to everyone's advice anyway, so I guess you don't care.




I feel guilty about dumping on a 16-year-old


"Why? Here goes the age thing again. I dont consider myself 16. I think im much more grown up than that. And I can take being dumped on, I just dont always agree with whats dumped on me."


It's becoming VERY obvious to me that age IS a big factor in how you act on this forum. You've got the typical teenager know-it-all syndrome. And I've gotta tell ya, thinking you know it all is a good way to go nowhere fast in this business. But I guess you already know that.

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Just so us young guys don?t get a bad wrap, I am only 19. I have been posting here for years, like since I was 16/ 17. I like to think I contribute positive things to this forum, so not all young film people are problem starters.


I agree Landon could use a good dose of humble pie, but oh well.


I have encountered many setbacks due to my age. How did I counter that? I shut up, listened and learned (and of course, I still am learning). Then I was able to present myself in a professional, confident manor. I could only do this because I was not bull shitting my way through the experience; I only spoke about what I knew. I am respectful, and have come to expect some respect, but only because I show it.


So not all young'ins are arrogant, ill-informed people, at least I hope I am not.



Kevin Zanit

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Landon will eventually learn that making a movie is not as easy as he thinks it is, and it takes alot of careful planning and pre-production to be able to pull it off somewhat successfully. Oh and it takes a lot of EXPERIENCE, you absolutely cannot make a movie based on information you get online or from a book.


If you want to learn anything about making movies, go work on them. Offer to help some film students at some film school. Make some friends on those student films, get to know everyone and offer your help on everyone elses projects, ask these guys for help on your project.


What I did was work on very small very low budget student films with friends during highschool, Kevin Zanit being one of them. After doing our own very small very low budget films, we started working on projects for students at the colleges around us, CSUN, USC, AFI to name a few. Working on as many student films as possible is the best way to get your foot in the door. Try it, and then see how fast your ideas on filmmaking will change.

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First of all, you should be "interested in writing skills here". If you respect the people you're communicating with you'll take the time to do things right so that they can fully understand what you're trying to say.

Second, you sound like a baby. "Stop yelling at me mom!! I know more than you do!!!"

Excuse me!?!?! I never said I knew it all. What I said was is this is the way my productions work.


I am not saying I know everything. I NEVER said I did. When did I say I knew everything?


I simply told you how I make a movie. That does not make me know it all, it explains how I make a movie.


I am not here saying, "You guys don't know the right way". Im saying, this is my way. You way is fine, but this is my way.


Is there a problem with me having my own way of making a film?


If there is, then when did America become a comunist country?


And I'm sorry for my writing skill, Hope this post reads better than the rest of them.


Wait, I think I can piss a little further! I made an A+ in creative writing in my senior year of college! LOL

Awsome. Thats fine.


It's becoming VERY obvious to me that age IS a big factor in how you act on this forum

Wait! Now who was it that started this? It was not me. I simply told you what I thought of Warner Bros. and then all of a sudden everyone is attaking me for MY opinion on it. Not even in that post did I try to impose on you I knew everything. Go pick on the person that started the argument, Not me.


By not taking the time to at least spell correctly in your posts, you're basically saying fu** you to everyone that reads what you say. But most of your posts are saying fu** you to everyone's advice anyway, so I guess you don't care

I never intended that. Im not saying "Fu**" you to anyone in here. If thats how my spelling makes you feel, then I'm sorry.


thinking you know it all is a good way to go nowhere fast in this business

Again, when did I ever say I knew it all. NEVER in the forum have I acted like a know it all.


I am simply offering my COMMENT. And you DON'T have to accept my comments if you don't want to.


But I don't think I should be put down because you think I'm acting like I know it all.


So not all young'ins are arrogant, ill-informed people, at least I hope I am not.

and I am I suppose to be? Remember, I did not start this argument. Nobody had to reply to my first post in the topic, but yet someone thought they had to. I was OFFERING my opinion, and someone always has to start trouble when someone has an opinion different from mine. I don't think that fair.


And in the first place, How did this topic turn into "Landon is a know it all" instead of "Director and DP fired by Warner Bros."? Maybee everyone should quit putting me down and remember that this is not the topic to argue that I'm a Know it all. This is a topic about warner bros.


Can't you just leave me alone? What did I do to deserve this? Was it that my opinion differed from everyone else?


Well, then I don't know what to tell you. I posted it in here because I thought you wanted to hear comments on it.

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I agree. I'm 20 but I check the forum ten or more times a day because I don't want to miss out on any of the advice. I've worked as a PA/Office Boy/Camera Assitant on a 35mm feature for two years (its independent, with money troubles, so they keep coming back to shoot). I DP my friends projects and I know that the PROCESS IS EVERYTHING. If you develop a bad working process, if you don't listen to other people's ideas when they are trying to improve your work, when you have one way of doing things and won't give other ways a chance, you are setting yourself up for a bad time.


The first shoot I did with my friend, nothing was planned. Locations were setup and we winged it everyday. Bad movie. Our second collaboration was planned (I showed him how to do a shot list and setup a schedule, something I learned from working on the feature). He storyboarded every shot in the movie, and for the most part (some compromises aside) we shot what he wanted and did it under schedule (slightly over budget, but our budget was 0 so just eating was over budget). That shoot went much better (four days instead of two weeks), and I think there is a better end result.


Personally, I haven't produced any of my own work because the time hasn't been right and I can see that. I'm moving to a more production friendly city (I have to drive 100 miles to rent a light kit from where I live now), with friends who are interested in producing good work. I'm getting my 16mm camera overhauled so I can make a movie piecemealed over the course of the year or so. Careful attention to detail and careful planning of each scene. When shooting film detailed planning can save beaucoup dollars.


I do know some advice that a guy gave me about my poetry. He said that I'm coming into the age where I don't write poetry for myself, but I write it for other people. I think the same can be applied to this topic and to Landon. Someday you will stop making movies to please yourself ("I know what I'm doing" "I'm better than you") and you start making movies for other people, and those movies that are made for others are generally the ones that succeed, because they are the ones that are entertaining.

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Ok, whats the chance of a 16 y.o getting a job on a Studio Picture? Even if he had made a feature and it did great with awsome reviews from Roger Ebert and got a 400 Theater theatrical release? (By that time he would be 17, if not 18 anyway)*


I would say the studio would be concerned about the actual length they would be allowed on set, and the restrictions that also come with it.


I dont know about CAL, But in Indiana a 16 y.o is allowed to work 11 hours day with a 1 hour break.


Of course this don't apply when I'm making my own films. I can work 16 hours a day with no lunch if I want too.*


Go figure?


Don't get me wronge, I want to Direct the next 20 million dollar picture as much as the next guy.* But I'm not going to set myself up for a BIG downfall. Because the chances of me getting a Studio film by the age of 20 is Slim to none.


Not imposible at all, just slim.*



* = This is just my view of it. This is in no means meant as a "I know it all" Comment.


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If you'd just accept that you have a lot to learn you'd be in much better shape. No one here is saying that you can't do things the way you want, but they're trying to help you (through their experience) understand that there may be certain things that you should do a certain way in order to get the outcome you desire. What you don't seem to understand is that the people on this forum are trying to help you. But it seems like anything anyone says you take as an attack on your "aritistic integrity". I know you never said, "I know it all", but you've sure acted like it in your posts.

Again, all anyone here is trying to do is help you, but if you don't like anyone giving you advice then why are you posting and asking questions? I don't get it. You just seem overly argumentative about every little thing.

You can go make a movie any way you want, but if you're not being truthful with youself about what it takes to make a film in REALITY then you'll probably fail. No one here wishes that on you, and you can help yourself avoid that by getting some on set experience and from learning from other people. Robert Rodriguez's path is not one I would suggest you follow. It's pretty much a miracle that he's able to continue making films with other peoples money.

I wish you luck and would be happy to offer more help and advice, but when you come to this forum you should be aware of what you say and how you come across to other people. A big part of this business is dealing with people and establishing and maintaining relationships with people you work with. If you can't do that you'll end up having to find a new profession. I think many of the professionals here would agree.

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I agree Grimmett.


I am sorry for coming over the top and being over agressive. I get that way when I don't get my way, usually.


I will try to control my tempor next time.


Thanks for the advice you all have given me so fare. I will take it and use it to the fullest :-)


Thanks guys

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I am sorry for coming over the top and being over agressive. I get that way when I don't get my way, usually.

It seems like you're getting the idea now. That's good. And not to be overly critical, but being aggressive when you don't get your way is something you should certainly try to stop doing. There are many compromises you will have to make on a daily basis when making a film, even if you have complete control of the film financially and artistically. It's just the nature of filmmaking. So being able to compromise and understand that things aren't always going to be "your way" is very important.

Good luck.

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I'm pretty sure he means replying two or three times in a row, instead of reading all messages and addressing all topics discussed since your previous post in one reply.


And since its just a .jpg picture its not taking up that much bandwidth at all. I wouldn't consider anything of that size MAJOR bandwidth, pages routinely display pictures that large or larger all the time. I'm certainly not experiencing any load issues.

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