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Ellen Kuras

Cris Moris

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What does everyone think of her work on "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"?


I thought it was really beautiful my self. I really enjoyed that natural, edgy look. I liked that the actors were free to move about the space and were given opportunity to really become the character they were playing. I read that they would shoot continously, sometimes even burning a whole 1000' mag in one take, and used two cameras.

The most refreshing aspect of the film though are the prectical effects. It was such a mind bender to try to figure out how some of those sequences were done. It was obvious that a lot of it was not CGI, which is why you are left wondering.


Any one else have any thoughts?

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i really enjoyed the film myself. There is one sequence in which the two are infront of a store late at night. i cannot remember exactly what is going on but there is some interesting lighting effect going on either in the reflection off the windows or something else. Does anyone know what i am referring to and know what they did there?

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I don't remember specifically what happens in that scene. But I recall reading that they used mostly practicals for the intereior shots, and even whe they were on the street to keep that natural look and give them the freedom to move about the room. In the article I read she also said that they wanted a very special light for the sequences when he (Carrey) is in a memory of a memory. They wanted a dreamlike feel without using the tradional more cliche ways of achieving this. So the solution the came up with was to use a direct source of light that follows the character around. I believe they used a regular household snake type lamp.

You can read the article yourself its on the Spring edition of Exposure (the suplement to Millimeter Magazine).


So maybe thats what you saw.



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