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On Rig HD Monitor Options For GY-HD110U

Andrew Spirk

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I've been trying to find a suitable monitor for sub $1,000 US for a little while now, but nothing has come up that is very high recommended.


The monitor just needs to have these parameters.


Be able to attach to a Bogen tripod rig (or something like it)

Be at least 6" but 8" is preferable.

Be HD...

And be able to mount upside-down or flip the image, as this is being used in conjunction with the RedRock M2.

Also, if it can be powered by the Anton Bauer system as well, that would be really nice.


Last but not least, it would have to be nice enough to accurately gauge focus and high quality enough to get a fairly close approximation to the final output.


As far as the monitor and the JVC, can you get the focus assist to appear on an external monitor? Are the component outputs the only way to get it to work with the camera?


Thanks in advance to anyone who replies, I've been really struggling to collect information about some monitors, but without actually seeing most of them, I can't really judge one from the other strictly on specs alone.

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Well went ahead and ordered a monitor. Got the Marshall HD 7" from BH




Looks pretty good. And not too bad at 1350$ Also got the XLR powertap http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/3413...wer_Tap_to.html


To plug into the Anton Bauer powertap.


Any opinions on this? Hate me for it? Let your responses fly.

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