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First Movie

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Hey everyone,


I've been producing-directing short films in various genres, trying to find my muse and get a hold of what I'm best at. After a lot of hard thinking I've decided to go the genre of Comedy Action/Thriller.. similar to Dogma, Pineapple Express, Get Smart, Kung Fu Panda, Tropic Thunder, etc.


All the books I've read have said that the best way to start your career as a producer-director is to start with a low budget horror movie, just "take a bunch of kids to a cabin and chop them up" style of movie.


Is this true, or are there proven directors/producers that start with comedies (Other than Kevin Smith) and have a lifelong career?


I guess what I'm saying is, should I go with an action/comedy script off the bat or should I start with a horror to jump start my career?

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All the books I've read have said that the best way to start your career as a producer-director is to start with a low budget horror movie, just "take a bunch of kids to a cabin and chop them up" style of movie.


::rolls eyes::


For crying out loud, start by directing what you're good at. Making a lousy horror film will do nothing to help your career, and will only serve to discourage you.


That said, I do advise that you make your first feature-length project as cheaply as is humanly possible. The process of directing a long-form project will teach you an enormous amount, and (even if it's a slasher film) the odds against recouping the investment are astronomical.


Treat it as a learning experience, make it as good a movie as you can, and then you have something to build on in the future. Following the herd won't make you stand out.

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I guess what I'm saying is, should I go with an action/comedy script off the bat or should I start with a horror to jump start my career?


What makes you so sure you could make a horror film that people will want to watch? It's not a genre so simple to make that any one can simply "jump start" their career with it.


Many try this approach and end up failing miserably.


Even if your low budget horror was a success it in no way means the gates of Hollywood will open for you.


I think you're about to discover that this business is 10, 000 times harder than you currently think it is.


Jim is bang on 100% correct when he says:


"(even if it's a slasher film) the odds against recouping the investment are astronomical."



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I'm not the seasoned expect here ... but why would you make anything you didn't have a deep personal connection to?? I've just made my first short, I didn't go into it with my eyes closed and knew my limitations. But anyone who sees it will know I put my heart and soul into it. It's a drama/thriller and not me at all, but it was something I immersed myself in and gave everything I had.

I think it's the passion ... if you don't have that you can't make a great film and if you don't make a "great" film you will never see a dime or even a pat on the back. It may not bring you home a golden statue from anywhere, but the passion will come through in the final product.

Just my two cents, from the kid in the peanut gallery.

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