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Super 8 Push processing

Ed Nyankori

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The director wants to shoot super 8 to cut together with some HD studio footage being shot at the same time. Using ASA160 on the super 8 is going to be rough since the exposure is lit for 2.8/4.0 for video, roughly 320ASA.


Im supplying the camera so I wanted to know what to suggest abouty this discrepancy...If we push process the film how much will we be distorting"" the image??? Thanks

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The director wants to shoot super 8 to cut together with some HD studio footage being shot at the same time. Using ASA160 on the super 8 is going to be rough since the exposure is lit for 2.8/4.0 for video, roughly 320ASA.


Im supplying the camera so I wanted to know what to suggest abouty this discrepancy...If we push process the film how much will we be distorting"" the image??? Thanks


How fast is your lens? My old Canon 814 opened up past T2, which is more than enough to get the extra stop you need.


If you really want to push process S8 reversal film, you might want to check in with the good folks at Pro8mm.




Of course, their S8 negative stocks work quite well and can help solve your exposure problem. You can get pretty close to an Ektachrome look in transfer.



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