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Whoever said that this story is delusional ? Although this story clearly is a work of friction it is nevertheless based on a true story. The true story may be even stranger than the work of fiction.



Well, not me - but I get the feeling you think I did


(so in which case, why ask the question ?)



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In any case I posted Chapter 4 of my novel because it was already typed out before James gave his suggestion about writing a screenplay. However James knows this movie business better than I do and the reality is that unless a screenplay is in proper script form it is unlikely to attract investors. And this holds true even for famous science fiction novels such as "Brave New World". Ridley Scott's commitment to the production of "Brave New World " already boasts the talent of a famous actor such as Leonardo DiCaprio but is still awaiting the completion of the screenplay that will be needed to attract the serious investors.

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'Infinitely more moral'


'Women never understood you Eric because their minds were even more oppressed than the working class men'


'There is no unisex cubical filling of all space because cubes are unstable in that they lack triangular bracing therefore cubes do not exist'


it is, in these small snippets actually compelling reading :lol:

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Sunshine and her Atomic Rocket that Saved the Earth Copyright by Thomas James on July 24, 2010 at 12:15 pm


When the worlds council met to deal with the grim reality there could be no denying the inconvenient truth. The fact was that by burning billions of tons of coal and fossil fuels the Earth was soon turning into a Venus like inferno. Even the prophets predicted that an Angel would pour out a vial on the Sun and people would be scorched by intense heat and curse God but for too many years nobody did anything about it because the oil companies were too greedy to care what happened to the Earth even though the prophets warned that those who would destroy the Earth would themselves be destroyed.

Yet when the council met there was still neither the will nor the way to change Earths energy infrastructure to a carbon free power source overnight. New nuclear fission power plants would take decades to build and even the experimental controlled fusion reactors all consumed more energy to run their magnetic containment vessels than the energy they produced.

Yet a certain Doctor Margaret Fuller approached the council with a way that nuclear fusion could be harnessed not only with today’s technology but a technology that was invented and successfully tested in the 1950's. Years before she heard an astronomer and antinuclear weapons protester by the name of Carl Sagan talk about an incredible atomic rocket technology that would allow astronauts to go on voyages to Saturn at speeds of up to a million miles an hour and arrive at their destinations in a fraction of the time it would take a chemical rocket to do the job. This was called the Orion atomic drive and would be a spacecraft powered by thousands of atomic bomb explosions. "What a wonderful way for the world to ret rid of its atomic weapons provided that the rocket be fired far away from Earths orbit" said Carl Sagan and in fact it was the only way for the world to get rid of its atomic weapons for the inconvenient truth remains that once an atomic bomb is built it cannot be unbuilt. Yes it can be dismantled temporarily but this still leaves a proliferation problem of a remaining weapons grade plutonium that can be reconstructed at anytime. Recycling the weapons grade plutonium and using it as fuel does not solve the problem because it takes up to a hundred years to burn which is a hundred years of temptation for the next nuclear war. The only way to dispose of atomic bombs and save the world from annihilation is to explode them from the back of an atomic rocket as far away from the Earth as possible.

The goal of the mission was 2 fold. One was to permanently get rid of the worlds atomic weapons. You see the doctrine of deterrence is actually the doctrine of mutually assured destruction in that if you are attacked you will massively retaliate and show no mercy ensuring the total destruction of your enemy and yourself. This is actually called the Samson and Delilah doctrine named after Samson who avenged his gouged out eyes by collapsing the temple of Dagon killing himself and 3000 Palestinians. Unfortunately deterrence does not work if you have an insane enemy willing to commit suicide in order to ensure your total destruction and gain his most prominent position in the afterworld.

The second goal of the mission was actually an impossible journey to the Sun to set up a solar energy infrastructure as close to the Sun as possible and to microwave the energy back to Earth. Thus the Earth would have all the free electricity that it needs and greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels would be eliminated. The energy directly from the sun would be infinitely greater than millions of square miles of solar panels on Earth could produce.

The rocket built would be a mega colossus weighing 8 million tons which is thousands of times heavier than any rocket previously built yet since nuclear fuel is millions of times more powerful weight no longer became a problem.

While a rocket spewing out radiation in space is not a concern because it is a drop in the bucket of an already radioactive environment. Atomic explosions on Earth would produce deadly fallout. But Margaret fuller told the council that she saw a movie called Moon in which an astronaut mined radiation free Helium 3 fuel from the moon. Thankfully enough of this fuel could be scrounged on Earth to launch the first mission.

Helium 3 fuel or not the mission generated a mountain of protest .

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Well first of all nuclear bomb power is an extremely taboo and obscene subject matter that no mainstream actress would want to touch. In my proposed movie I am using the same atomic bomb drive that was proposed for 2001 a Space Odyssey and Stanley Kubrick wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole because he didn't want to be known as Dr. Strangelove. Also my proposed movie deals with the obscene subject matter of virtual incest. In my movie when a male astronaut dies his female lover has him cloned and implanted in her uterus. After giving birth and raising the star child the boy becomes a teenager and has strange romantic feelings for his "Mother". After the boy sees a psychiatrist his "Mother" reveals to him that she is not the genetic Mother but only a surrogate Mother and he is in fact the genetic reincarnation of her lover. Not only does she have a relationship with the boy but she celebrates her relationship as a God given right of levirate marriage because obviously the boy is the twin brother of her deceased lover. Of course the fact that the boy is underage is ovelooked because the biological clock of the woman is running out so she does not have time to wait for her lover to become of legal age.

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I think you have the beginnings of something intereting, 'festival' variety if you'll permit me to call it - but not the story you think...


I'm talking about YOU, write YOUR story - forget all this mother/Margaret stuff...


See through it - perhaps take a look in the mirror - read more books - non fiction perhaps, history etc...


But for now please know that as it stands your writing is not good, you need to understand that to get better


I gotta go check my new ground glass frame has dried - I'll leave it at that for now ;)

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If you want me to write my true story I can do that. This story of fiction I am writing is actually based on an amazing true story. So I can write the story in a documentary form. On my real job at the hospital I have worked with disabled people and have built custom molded seating systems for wheelchairs. I can't say that I have ever built a cyborg however I introduced the concept of the cyborg and robot technology at hospital meetings and I have organized field trips for my hospital to investigate robotic research for disabled people. I have also prepared conceptual artwork of what an android or a cyborg might look like.


Again I can't say that I have ever built an atomic rocket that can go to Mars. But I have worked at an atomic radiation laboratory and I helped build an artificial star.

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