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Legitimately shooting with the iPhone 4.

Nick Robertson

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Is anyone here planning on doing this?


I bought my iPhone 4 (16gb) outright with the intention to shoot with it. I messed around with it and got some decent results and to be honest I was underwhelmed with the way its camera functioned, with a little research I found an app called 'Almost DSLR' which allows me to lock focus, white balance, exposure, etc. Then I bought the OWLE Bubo, a Zacuto Z-Finder Pro with and articulating arm, the Vid-Atlantic 35 adapter and various other little pieces of hardware and all of a sudden I have something to really work with. Now, I know for the price of all of that I could have got some DSLR, but I didn't.


It may seem like a complete joke to want to shoot anything on a mobile telephone, but the fact is that I've never felt so free to shoot in my life. I have tested and tested and every problem I have had there is an answer out there. There is even an iPhone Film Festival www.iphoneff.com - Even Park Chan Wook has had a go at it.


Has anyone else been seduced by this? I was really against the idea of digital filmmaking until I just had a go and now I'm going to finish this 16mm short I've just finished shooting and let the Bolex rest for a while, maybe one day soon I'll get myself that Canon 5D that everyone talks about but for now I'm very much into the idea of working with this amazingly versatile and adaptable piece of technology.


Check out these links -





If anyone else has any experience shooting with their iPhone, let me know, I'd love to hear about it.


Thanks everyone,



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Presumably because it's cheaper, or effectively free if you happen to own one.


I'm sure it's like any camera. Light the scene to suit and it'll be fine. I've seen iphone pictures that seemed pretty decent, albeit in lighting conditions that happened to suit. I suspect you might need lots and lots of light.



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I forgot who I stole this from, but I love it:

"You can either make films, or make excuses."


David Lynch advice:

"Find a way to make the film. Find a way to make the film."


Ridley Scott advice: ( Interview at AFI)

"There's a lot of technical problems...There's 50,000 reasons not to make the film.. just make the film."


Whatever you do, don't ask anyone. They might try to talk reason to you.

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It's something I've toyed with for some time, and have been actively seeking a project where the material warranted it. Apparently Chan-wook Park beat me to the punch, but I'm on board with the idea. It's a unique look, the same way we're eerily attracted to shooting super8 or orthographic. Technically inferior, but sexy.

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