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minestrone camera

Roberto Pirodda

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Hi all

i was tired to make people questions, curiosity, hilarity whenever i shot with my vintage equipment. With this mixup camera i should pass unobserved.The camera is a Super8 Nalcom FTL, the lens and mount come from a pro camcorder, the viewfinder from a VHS camera , the handle from a Bolex EBM . The B/W microcamera(in the side) focus into a microfine ground glass , so the image in the electronic viewfinder is a bit crappy, but there was no other way to get a precision focusing. Unless to fit inside a really ultramicrocam in the groundglass plane. I experimented also an optical viewfinder , but it was too triky and heavy. Again there was the coerent fiber optic solution (image conduit) but too expensive.

The idea is to shot at 36 fps then telecine in hd 1280x720P at 50fps (once in the timeline some alternate frames are doubled to match 50fps from 36fps of the cinecamera, correct me if i am wrong).

The question is: in FCP 6.0.1 there isn't the editing timebase preset of 50 fps. How can i solve this?

best regards



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