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The Motorcycle Diaries

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Guest Y.M.Poursohi

<<"This whiny 20 year old actually wished there was a war, with people dying, so SHE WOULD HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! Of course, the interviewer didn't call her on this at all, but praised her "dedication to peace" or some nonsense. People like this are just as responsible for war as ayone">>


Very well said.

In the polarized world of identity politics of today also, if anyone speaks against the trend of their area, and era, they will get shot down by the masses who think it's cool to for example say the president sucks or that all republicans are evil. Here in New York any time there is a discussion of politics among people in their 20s, none of them can point out one good thing that this administration might have done, it's all about bashing. It is a good thing that in the US people have the liberty to say what they want, but it seems liberty can also get mixed up with hypocrisy.

I grew up during a war and it's not pretty, but many hipsters in my neighborhood think it's cool. They are all rebelling against George W and capitalism, in a conformist way (wearing their expensive jeans and sipping over priced cocktails).


Anyway this topic started with a movie and I still think "the motorcycle diaries" sucks, Not becasue it's about Che, but becasue of the way it is made.



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Maybe so, maybe not.


The problem is, so many people whine about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that the actual subject matter is almost irrelevant, so it's difficult to take these kinds of people seriously, even when or if I agree with them.

The politics of 20-ish year olds seems too many times to just be an extension of their immature whining.

Two or three years earlier, they were whining about how mommy & daddy wouldn't buy them a good enough car, or the most expensive clothes, or let them do whatever they want (paid for by mommy & daddy, of course), or pay for the "coolest" college, or whatever.

Fast forward a few years & they've simply replaced their selfish personal needs, with their selfish political needs.

And I think it's no coincidence that they tend to favor political agendas that give them lots of free stuff at someone elses expense; in other words, the whole world becomes a replacement for "mommy & daddy".


This, in my opinion is why rebellion and rebel heroes are so popular with the young and immature, and why films like this find that audience.



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