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Panavision Primo Classic "soft effect"

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Hello everyone,


Do you have any info on the Panavision Primo Classic "soft effect" mode?


I know it is an optical, variable diffusion effect, but I have yet to see the effect on an image. Any links or screenshots?


This function is only available on the 24, 30, 65, 85 and 125mm, and I wonder if it cuts well with the other Primo lenses without the effect.



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  • Premium Member

Hello Guillaume,


I would guess that the soft effect is a spherical aberration control. It would allow you to dial in the amount by which you can make the lens "less perfect." See the following:





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  • Premium Member

Examples of the Tamron lens are a little easier to find. Here are a few links with samples:




The user Abbazz posted images on pages 1 and 3 of this thread: http://forum.mflenses.com/new-pictorialism-soft-focus-alert-t40873.html among other lens examples (not all of which achieve softness by the same means). The same user posted additional examples here: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-slr-lens-discussion/84187-soft-focus-lenses-actually-useful-3.html

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