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35mm shoot internship


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Hey, I'm looking for a cinematographer who has been in the industry for a while to intern under or be an assistant to. I would really like to learn more about cinematography. I've done a few short films but I need more experience if I really want to make it in the industry. I wouldn't get in the way of the DP, all I would like to do is learn from the best. I am graduating from Brooks Institue in August so I can intern part-time until then, or Full-time after. If you would like to see my reel/resume I can email it or send it to you through the mail. My email id film_reilly@yahoo.com




-Chris Reilly

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> How can I get an internship?


Get in line, and it's a long one.


Also, nobody is the slightest bit interested in your reel if you're going to intern. That becomes relevant when you are actually shooting yourself, in twenty years' time.



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Whenever I read Phil's posts I like to imagine a little praerie with kittens playing with bunnies and butterflies fluttering into the spring sky.


Chris - If you don't get any takers here, take this question to both the ASC and the unions and see if they have any programs or might be willing to hook you up with someone. If you're in LA contact a low budget company like New Concorde and just offer your services for free explaining that you graduated from Brooks etc and you have experience and are willing to work for free. You can make it happen.

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Okay, thanks. The ASC won't mind if I email them? they seem like they wouldn't even want to look at a film school grad lol.


You can call anyone you want if your intentions are to learn and you treat people respectfully. And if they turn your inquiries down, you don't pester them. No one is going to hold that against you or even remember.



In response to Phil's "Tell me I'm wrong."


I think there is often some truth to what you're saying and I think it is healthy to have that as a reminder so one doesn't take things for granted or not respect the difficulty of working in the industry. That said. I do think it is wrong to give up and assume things are out of reach without ever trying. I think it is wrong in general to assume anything is impossible - because by approaching things with that attitude, they will be. And I'm not a feel good empower yourself motivational speaker type - it's just true. You wonder ever why so many people are doing the things you dream about doing and don't do a good job yet keep doing them? Because they don't respect it enough to learn how to do it right, but they don't respect it enough to be afraid of it either. They just do. Sometimes it happens right away. Sometimes it takes a decade or more.


I can't tell you how many guys in their mid-40's I've met who are still dreaming about their film career and not once have they ever really made the phone call. Now, they justify saying that they are too old, people won't take them seriously, see them as a loser. What they need to realize is that everything they have done has value. They need to learn to exploit that value and carry it with them.


I don't know if the ASC will help Chris, I don't even know if they'll be nice to him on the phone - people have bad days. I do know that if Chris keeps offering to help people in order to learn - someone is going to take him up on it and that will be a first step.


Damn... now I'd better stop before Tony Robbins comes here and kicks my ass.

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