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A General Hello

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I'm a game designer by trade, and so I suppose in coding terms, this post is my "Hello World" for getting started with hobby film making. I have a ton of questions, and I'm sure I'll come across more as I get more involved, but for now I want to use this post to introduce myself.

Richard William Dangle is a pen name of sorts. It's a joke in most cases. I've flirted with the idea of cinematography since I was in High School. I'm just around the corner from turning 24, and in a better financial situation to afford trying new things. As I said, I'm a game designer by trade, and I'm influenced by that design process. I believe it can transition well to film. I'm also influenced by the styles and ideas behind some of my favorite video game franchises.

If I had to build a list of film influences, I'd say I'm inspired by the cult followings of Troma Films. Those kinds cultish 80's films are what my friends and I grew up around. I think they embody the perfect balance between predictability and originality that I aspire towards in my game design.

As far as equipment... I'm working with what I can afford to experiment with. Essentially second hand/home made. For a camera, I picked up an older C-129 Super 8mm SEARS camcorder.


Again, I'm looking forward to getting into the hobby and learning from the experiences of those of you who have been in it much longer than me.

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Yes, please use your real name - there is lots of help available on this forum, but you need to show that you are serious.


Your Sears C129 is a Super8 movie camera, the term "camcorder" is used only for video cameras that incorporate the recorder inside the camera body. There is one quirk to your camera that you may not yet have discovered, it uses an obsolete mercury cell to power the exposure meter. The replacement cell is like this one http://www.amazon.com/WeinCell-MRB625-Replacement-Battery-PX625/dp/B00009VQJ7 - there are other cells that physically fit the holder but output a different voltage leading to false readings.


You might also want to search through the "Super8" section of this Forum for information about using currently available filmstocks with that particular model. If you need specific Super8 advice that is also the place to post your questions. Also there is a "Students and First time filmmakers" section to ask more generic questions.



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Okay, I'm all for being taken seriously so my first question:

If I created my account by linking it with Facebook, how do I change my name on the forums? The name I've got on the forum is the name I've got on Facebook.

Thanks for the tip, Alan. I've been putting off buying a fresh battery because I was really concerned with purchasing the correct one. It was going to be my first question.

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Okay, I'm all for being taken seriously so my first question:

If I created my account by linking it with Facebook, how do I change my name on the forums? The name I've got on the forum is the name I've got on Facebook.


Thanks for the tip, Alan. I've been putting off buying a fresh battery because I was really concerned with purchasing the correct one. It was going to be my first question.



This thread contains a discussion on changing display names - http://www.cinematography.com/index.php?showtopic=60750&hl=

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