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Special / Rare Vintage Lenses for Sale

Patrick Wally

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So I've got a few special lenses I am about to sell, or at least some of them.

All of them are in excellent condition. Located in Vienna, Austria / but can send them anywhere you want.

So here we go:


Leica Leitz APO Summicron R 180mm f2.0 

Very rare, and very beautiful. Would make an excellent addition to a Summilux-C or Summicron-C Set. It is in nearly perfect condition.

Also this will cover larger than FF, this is an impressive lens & will be especially impressive on formats like Alexa 65 etc. 

Two very slight marks on the body a minimal short hairline scratch at the front glas - just saw it when having it inspected at the Leica Store. Would invest in a PL conversion in no time if I would have a project for it. Aperture & Focus runs smoothly no fungus no haze.

Will be sold by the Leica Store Vienna to a much higher price, beginning in one week or so - so this is the chance to buy directly from me. Make me a realistic offer. Prices on Ebay are 6k-9k €.


Iscorama - Anamorphot 1.5x 42 MC

Very rare, and very beautiful as well. I don't know how it was possible, but I've got two of them. Just pops up on ebay every few years or so. I'm fine with only having one.

In perfect condition. Focus runs smoothly no fungus no haze. Value is hard to tell, since it doesn't get sold very often.

I guess around 4-5k €.


Iscorama - Anamorphot pre 36 non MC

The classic Iscorama everyone is looking for. In very good condition. Just the plastic housing looks a bit grey, but optically excellent. Focus runs smoothly no fungus no haze.

3.5k €


Rollei Carl Zeiss Distagon & Planar 1.4/35 & 1.4/85 (FF, triangular Aperture) - Vintage Full Frame

Slightly different in coating to the well known Contax Zeiss Lenses (but still match well to them) but their killer feature is the triangular aperture. Like B-Speeds but these are Full Frame.

Just got inspected by a lens technician. Excellent condition. Can be easily adapted to EF if necessary. Also have the Rolleiflex 6006 - an awesome 35mm analogue camera, if you are interested in these. Was a quite remarkable system at the time, where you could change the filmstocks, like with medium format bodies.

2.2k € for both lenses 


Canon FD 55mm SSC 1.2 - Vintage Full Frame

I've got the ASPH version as well. Didn't see much of a difference, apart from that this is not yellowing, because it got no thorium in it.

This lens is Mint, I wouldn't want to take it in the field :D.



Canon FD 35mm SSC 2.8 TS (Tilt Shift) - Vintage Full Frame

Vintage Tilt Shift - so it covers much larger then Full Frame.




Canon FD 100mm 4.0 Makro - Vintage Full Frame

Solid Makro lens - not that rare, but this is mint!



Open to reasonable offers, can send images - just contact me.

Thanks! Best, Patrick


Edited by Patrick Wally
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