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  1. Shooting in Short Film/Music Video in the UK Need a stock to cover all shooting Day Outdoors in City (Daylight), and inside a Leisure centre in Changing Rooms (Artificial light), and By the Pool (Mixed Light) all will be shot with essentially available light only We need a single overall stock Super 16 to cover all these conditions was thinking about the Fuji/Kodak 400/500 Stocks but i'm worried image quality (Grain) although i'm not adverse to it, but this has sent me leaning towards a 200/250 stock. Please people shower me with your wisdom i need it
  2. Shooting in Short Film/Music Video in the UK Need a stock to cover all shooting Day Outdoors in City (Daylight), and inside a Leisure centre in Changing Rooms (Artificial light), and By the Pool (Mixed Light) all will be shot with essentially available light only We need a single overall stock Super 16 to cover all these conditions was thinking about the Fuji/Kodak 400/500 Stocks but i'm worried image quality (Grain) although i'm not adverse to it, but this has sent me leaning towards a 200/250 stock. Please people shower me with your wisdom i need it
  3. Brokeback an exquisit film But does anyone know what stocks was filmed on and any filtration details, i think it was Kodak it has that look I'm wondering which stocks got the great detail and contrast in the mountain scenes great seperation in colour and texture. Credit must be given to Prieto who show's he can reign in the technical flourishes seen in Amores Perros, 21 Grams, Alexander and Produce a work of pure Classicism.
  4. Using only natural light i am shooting a 9min short I would like to achieve a bright, high contrast, saturated colours with very green greens and very blue skys i have considerd both the Eastman 5245 or kodak vision 7246 and possibly kodak 5212 which one of these stocks would give me the vibrant blue, greens and reds in the exterior shots Also a small portion of the short is shot in interiors using only available light which stock would be best to match up to the vibrant colours of the stock for the exteriors seens i was considering kodak vison 2 5217 or kodak 5212 i hand not considered kodak 5229 or 5218 I would welcome any suggestions on film stocks and ways of achieving this look Also can anyone tell me the stocks Lynne Ramsey used on the Short film, Small Deaths
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