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Everything posted by bearcub

  1. Hey everyone, I have a Frezzi-Cordless LW-16 with a 12-120 2.2 zoom Angenieux-zoom lens. I live in Philly, so I thought about taking this to Camera Service Co in NYC to get looked over. It runs fun when attached to a battery belt, but who knows if it's still crystal synced. Is it even worth running? I wanna shoot a short on it, but maybe I should put the money toward an Eclair which is a million times easier to load. Get a look at the inside of this beast...
  2. It's been awhile since I've posted, but I have the filmmaking bug and I want to shoot on an old school VHS consumer camera. I'm open to a professional one as well - but I'm looking to keep my options simple. A few things that are musts: 1986 or older (willing to accept a later unit) 100% works of course Batteries and complete. I'm hoping someone out there who knows a few things about these cameras can help guide me in the right direction. Ebay seems like too much of a gamble, so I figure buying from a pro here would be a step in the right direction.
  3. I got 400 ft of film back from Lablink/Magno in NYC and the video transfer shows blue lines going vertically over my film. I have not yet looked at the negative but it was a new can and the camera used (Eclair NPR) had been used several times along with the magazine that held the film. The blue lines don't completely go from top to bottom but they show through everything, including black. Any ideas? I plan to look at the negative carefully this afternoon. Sorry, I just searched blue lines and find this topic posted before!
  4. bearcub

    IE mistake

    laurent.a: Thanks for the pushed info. The daylight fuji stock 8663 was shot indoors at night with an omni, DP and tota...and a few house lights. Lighting is a weak area for me...which I guess would include checking things like EI too. I need to develop that OCD quality if I want to work in this field.
  5. bearcub

    IE mistake

    I shot 350ft of Kodak 7217 (200EI) but I metered it at 250 EI. Should I get this roll pushed a stop? I also shot a roll of 8663 Eterna 250D indoors, is the color going to be off that much? Can it be fixed in post? Thanks!
  6. What I'm shooting isn't silent film era content, but I do want that style. I'm not interested in old, aged or scratchy as an aesthetic, as I'm sure those films didn't look as old then as they do now. I want to gradual introduce sound and color into my film like the beginning of And the Ship Sails On by Fellini.
  7. I suppose this is something I could do in post but I would rather do it in camera. I'm shooting a few scenes on 7217 Vision2 200T and I want to shoot 16 fps for that silent film look. I'm shooting on either an Eclair NPR or Arri BL. Can you guys help me with figuring out my light reading and adjustments I must make.
  8. I'm trying to edit 35mm cameraless film, what is the device called that allows me to look at my film. I know 16mm has the moviola...but what is used for 35mm? And where can I find them? thanks
  9. I Shot wide-open and pushed one-stop. That 7218 stock is amazing. I wished my tracking shots were a little more steady...but that camera is so heavy. I got a lot out of that project. I can't wait to shoot again... When I get back to school in a few weeks I'll include some of the stills in this thread. I'm becoming more interested in a career in filmmaking. I don't think I have the talent to be the director of photography, but loading film, and setting up the camera is endlessly fun. Any suggestions on a direction I could take? I make my way to New York often to pick up film, equipment and movies (I just saw 2046 a few ago...amazing) but I would like to find work on sets... Happy New Year! Thanks, I found a few informative threads!
  10. Mr. Mullen, Thanks again for all your help, the project turned out well and my instructors were quite pleased. I can't wait to shoot again next semester...in the mean time I was thinking of picking up a K-3 camera (as they're affordable enough for me) to play with...any experience with the K-3s?
  11. Mr. Mullen, Thanks for you advice, I love your work with Michael Polish by the way... I had my actor all ready to go the other night on the bridge but I didn't get a good reading on my light meter. At the very least it asked for a 1 when the best my zoom lens could get was a 2.2 but I shot stuff anyway (I went with regular 16mm 7218)...I'm debating at the moment whether I should have that film processed at all... I imagine I got some sort of image...should I have it push processed? Honestly I don't remember even getting a reading...I don't feel like paying $50 for 200ft of black leader. Or save it for another day (some sort of artsy superimposition assignment...) David Ortega Philadelphia UARTS
  12. I'm going to be shooting a MOS assignment on the Brooklyn Bridge in a few nights. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a decent color film stock. I want to have a cold blue like color to picture...something like Mike Leigh's Naked. I'm thinking of using a Beaulieu or Canon Scoopic.
  13. Jayson, I tried emailing you a few weeks ago. My email is technoir@mytownchicago.com.
  14. Hi Larry, my name is David. Are you just out of high school? What was your last project for school about? I was set to leave the University of the Arts here in Philadelphia a few months ago for Los Angeles. However I realized that I haven't planned this out too well... I'm gonna take the summer to explore the USofA a bit and figure out where I will be next fall. I was thinking of just working my ass off and shooting as much film as I can afford/is possible and apply in January for 2005 fall. There's a kid in my film class that wants me to shoot a horror movie he's making next fall-his parents got him the Sony DVX100 for a gift, so it'll be great to shoot with that... technoir@mytownchicago.com is my email, good luck with hearing back from cal-arts.
  15. Is finding work in LA just as good? Is it possible to work at the ASC club house and build a portfolio in time for Jan 05? I'm currently at the University of the Arts. I'm at a crossroads in my life. I want to be a cinematographer, I want a career not a job. The film program here is weak, I don't know if I should just go to Temple or move back to Chicago (from there originally) and attend Columbia again. I also thought of just moving to LA to find work and climb the ladder. Any advice is welcome, thanks.
  16. Sorry to hear that, I should be getting my letter of decline from AFI this time next year! Seriously, I just decided to get serious about cinematography after years between schools. I have very little film work under my belt. What kind of work did you show? What are your options now?
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