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Posts posted by Canney

  1. Ahh I have telecined film to HDV. What I noticed was that the stability of the color looked like it was fluctating between frames. Plus in the transfer I had to make sure the HDV recorder had the color sensor turned all the way up or brighter parts of the picture were lost. Even with increasing the color sensor bright sections of the of the picture were lost or were just whited out because of the brightness. Comparing it to an all the wall projection I would say 5-10% of the picture was degraded as part of the transfer. But the transfer to HDV still looked a lot, lot better than an SD transfer that I got. But my telecine converter is like kind of cheap. As far as individual frames they look fine on playback but if you were to go frame per frame it looks blurred. SD seemes to preserver individual frames better. The thing with HDV is that if there is any fast motion it might look blury but the picture is still pretty good looking compared to SD. This was all NTSC. I have to get around to it but if the film was transfered to PAL it would proabably look better. Oh yeah almost forgot HDV wasn't really desinged as a film to video transfer format but for native High Def video recording

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