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  1. Bonjour Mikael, I apologize that I was not more clear in my original post, but I actually have a copy of this book. I was interested in learning more about it, how the title should be correctly translated, whether others were familiar with it and with Burel. Thank you for taking the time to locate another copy. I'm surprised that I could not find a copy of it at the Bibliotheque Nationale, and am pleased to know there is a copy available to students and scholars of film. Kind regards, Paul Antoine
  2. I'm trying to find something out about this book that was written by French cinematographer Léonce-Henri Burel and published in Paris, 1930: Cours d'Operations de prise de Vues, Developpment et Tirage des Films. I can find no listing of it in the Library of Congress or the listing of online libraries OCLC. If someone can help me to even accurately translate the title, I would be obliged. Even better, I wonder if anyone knows of the book (it's rather large, over 200 pages, illustrated with drawings and photographs). An oddly scarce(??) book. Thanks for any help and/or suggestions. Paul
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