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Craig Buzz

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Everything posted by Craig Buzz

  1. that actually sounds great,importing curves from photoshop,as ive said ive been a still photographer for years and i only really use premiere because im so familiar with photoshop so that sounds perfect i will check it out,thank you
  2. just wondering what software someone would reccomend for color correction.system is windows and editing with adobe premiere...very familiar with apps like photoshop,i am more of a still photographer than cinema but learning.thanks
  3. selling a canon gl1 with bp-945 (generic) battery and generic charger..cosmetically the camera is a 9 out of 10 (there are small scratches on the bottem from a tripod i assume....by scratches i mean scuffs.the camera looks new,it also works great no dead pixels.email me at thebuzzblanket@hotmail.com or ask questions or request pics here thank you...im asking $950
  4. ive been coming to this forum for months but just registered tonight,there is a ton of great info here and look forward to meeting alot of people with intrests similar to mine.i wont talk about myself unless requested so i will just start a thread,so here it goes...im curious why there is no mention of Jean Yves Escoffier anywhere here (if ive missed it let me know please),the man (rip) i think was great,perhaps underrated.at the risk of ruining my reputation right off the bat by mentioning gummo,love it or hate it,i think the photography was great and the movie a success (meaning that the filmmakers vision was a success) like i said love it or hate it.i remember reading a qoute from harmony korine about Jean Yves Escoffier when the producers told them the bond company was threatening to take away the movie because they were shooting too much film he told harmony '"&@^! these guys! We will fire everyone. It will be me, you, a %^&$#@! lightbulb, and the soundman."i really like that and i like artists who arent afraid.im sorry if this is a long post...Jean-Yves Escoffier is more famous for films like 'good will hunting' 'rounders' '15 minutes' Craig
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