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Mark Haag

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  1. Hi Everyone, this is my first post here. I tried to get a reponse on the super 8 usenet newsgroup, but not one response. I have 3 cameras that need some work: Nizo 6056, Nizo 4080, Eumig Nautica. I've been to Pardees Cameras in Sacramento (they don't repair them), contacted a camera shop in Oakland that said they repair movie cameras on their website (they don't). HELP!! I'd appreciate any information you can provide. 6056: a battery terminal pin broke off, brought to local electronics repair shop, now it gets power, but doesn't do anything else. 4080: Eyepice broke off, I have the parts, tried to superglue it back, but need something permanent. Nautica: Motor runs, film doesn't move. It's been stored for at least 10 years, so it would need servicing too. Thanks in advance for any advice. Mark Haag
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