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Nelion McCaldin

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  1. gday, I was wondering if someone who does cinematography as a job out there could answer a few questions i have. Any help would be greatly appreciated. - What process did you go through to get to where you are now in the industry? - What are some of the main obstacles you had to overcome? - What adice would you give for advancing through the ranks? Any answers would be great! Thank you for your time NM
  2. Thank you all for your input, I tried a few different methods you all suggested with some good results. We have decided to shoot late afternoon so the 'background hedge' is in shadow. That eliminates the over exposure and actually looks great. I then used reflection as you all suggested to spread some natural light on the subjects as i still had enough daylight to do so. Also worked very well and i can still have my hedge in the background :D Thank you again for your help. I shoot this time next week so it was just in the nick of time. B) Cheers Kif
  3. gday, I'am having a problem with exposure when shooting from inside a patio/porch to and exterior garden. I'am shooting with a DV Canon XL1. In the way of lights i have 2 blondies and 3 red heads + gels. Unfortunately no HMI's. I was at location today playing around with the blondies directed towards the INT but still geting a massive blow out from the garden. Any tips on balancing the light out or at least reducing the exposure so i can still catch the details from both areas. Thought some screenies might help. Although taken from outside you can see the shadow under the patio/porch. Black arrow is the direction of the photo. Any help would e greatly appreciated. Cheers Nelion [url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9691/bullfight12rc.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/968/picture2435dr.jpg[/img][/url]
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