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Mark Chicago

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  • Occupation
    Camera Operator
  1. Hi, I'll be shooting music festival event and it will be put on DVD. Both NTSC and PAL. The problem is that we will be using two FX1 cameras, but one is PAL and the other NTSC and I'm not sure what would be the best way to shoot. In HD or SD? If in HD, then should we first convert the footage in ProCoder2 from HD PAL to HD NTSC and then edit? Or HD NTSC to HD PAL? And what timeline in Premiere 2 to use? What editing format will be better if we need the final movie to be put on both NTSC and PAL DVD's? I'm very confused in what to do. I appreciate any advice. Thanks. Mark
  2. After reading your replies and doing some more research I have bought the FX1E. I figured that Cineframe 25 should be enough for me or I can do 25p in post. Plus now I have HD so I should be relatively safe for the future. Comparing FX1 and Z1 - my question is, how important are XLR inputs? I know I can buy Beachtek adapter for FX1, but is there any advantage of having them except wide choice of mics with XLR connectors? Thanks. Mark
  3. Actually, I haven't seen Z1's cineframe 25. Thanks for the insight. I will do more research on that topic. At the begininnig I tended more towards Z1, but I couldn't handle the idea of getting a camera with HD which I will probably not use very often, and with not so good progressive SD. Also I've read that Z1 low light sensitivy is lower than DVX100. (i might shoot church weddings) Is this true? There is so many great looking movies shot with DVX100, that I still can't make up my mind if I should go with Z1. Any idea how to finally do decide?
  4. I want to get into filmmaking and can't decide which camera to buy. After dozens of hours internet researching I can't decide between AG-DVX100BE and HVR-Z1U (yes, I will shoot in PAL) I know for movie making is the only way 25p - that means AG-DVX100BE. For weddings and events shooting should I go with 25p or interlaced (or HD interlaced)? HVR-Z1U is HD which can come in handy in near future when HD in Europe is more common. But what about using Z1 for making music videos, commercials or indie films? CineFrame doesn't seem very usable to get flm look. Is there some other way to achieve film look from Z1's HD footage in post processing? Will the film look be the same as DVX100's? To put it simply, I don't know if I should go with HD to be safe for the future, or go with 25p to get film look. How are the wedding shot? Interlaced or progressive? Thanks for your opinions. Mark
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