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  1. :blink: I'm trying out a 900 demo comparing the images with my trusty IKE BetacamSP editing in FCP 5. The muddy water is clearing a bit and this forum helps a bunch but overall I'm not fully convinced that DVCPRO50 and Panasonic are perceivable upgrades. I like Panasonics VIVID file scene and the fact that the cam has these options. Plus, the rig is lighter!!! Our Canon lens switches to 16:9 so I'm covered there. I've heard so-so reports on the Azden wireless that fits the slot but wish Lectrosonic made one. Any advantages with PRO50 in FCP, After Effects, DVD Studio Pro, or iDVD that would help me decide if moving from Beta to 900 is wise, I'd appreciate it. Dave
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