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Ram Shani

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Posts posted by Ram Shani

  1. hi

    i am about to shoot commercial on roller-coaster (it doesn't have 360) and she is going 40KH

    i want to shoot 2 persons every time

    thinking about alexa mini or sony f55 (global shutter)

    and to rig it with SACHTLER MAXIMA but afraid it wont work.....

    my plan B is a poor man stabilizer and to put the camera on car tire

    any advice will be great




  2. hi

    i am working on feature film which was shoot with alexa 2k prorez 444 log-c


    we are working in a pro post house with base light and 2k projector


    the files from the alexa are very very noise spacialy the red channel!!


    it's in day ext. and day int. scene


    same scene it's more present the the other


    any idea?


    we are lost!

  3. every thing you like at the mark 2 you will like beater on the mark3

    beater codec

    no aliasing

    no moire

    no 12min record limit





    it's still doesn't make a good movie


    and doesn't make coffee


  4. i encourage the director to work on shooting only after we set the locations and visit them and spend time to feel what they can bring to the movie.


    then we sit to write the shooting list


    when you go for shooting it's better to live place for changes


    i called this process "create a reality (the film reality) and document it"





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