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wiz casparian

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  1. A bit off topic but Is there anyone who lives perhaps in the Tampa bay area or Florida that can lead me to where I can buy some film for this baby....Any thought about diderences in film pricing and development will be more than wecome. I need to get this baby on the road to find out if its mechanically sound or did I spend my $15 in vain ( :D )....... ;)
  2. Thank you very much for your quick reply. My email is wiz.casparian@gmail.com. Your help is greatly appreciated. wiz
  3. Hi, I'm very new to super8, but I stumbled upon a Nikon R10 for $15. Took it home slapped some new batteries, and wow the zoom works and the film advance also works. A few questions here: are these beautifull machines that cheap, I mean I would have been happy to have it even if the mechanics are not quite right! My next question is: where can I get hold of the manual... and my last question is: I hear that most of theae cameras come with a light meter. How do I operate it on this camera to know whether its working or not and can I actually do that without actaully loading a film in.... thanks in advance to anyone who help with their insight. Wiz
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