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oscar jimenez

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About oscar jimenez

  • Birthday 04/01/1971

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  1. Ladies and Gents. Please, Im in need to get a V mount batttery back plate with power cable adapter for power feeding our Phantom Miro LC321S camera, it comes with a Sony BP60 back battery guide channel and bracket to be power fed by this batteries, thing is that the Sony BP 60 die very fast with the Phantom Camera and possibly you may not want to run out of power from batteries on a critical moment such as saving a shot to the Cineflash. Any input or feed will certainly be very much appreciatted Many thanks in adavance for your time. Oscar Jimenez Voltage Productions Panama, Rep of Panama
  2. Hi all, Does anyone here knows who makes V mount battery adapters to power up a Phantom Miro LC320S camera? factory default is sony BP 30 or 60 batteries, but they die pretty fast, so its very anoying. If any, would be very much appreciatted Many thanks Oscar Jimenez Voltage Productions Panama, Rep of Panama www.voltage-panama.com
  3. Hi guys, got 2 new in the box 6x6 White Water Pola by Tiffen, never used, no scratches, brand new in their Tiffen Boxes with pouches. Why? wrong filter size sent twice. Filter sells new for $476.00, giving them away for $225.00 each. Feel free to drop me a line ojimenez@voltage-panama.com
  4. Brand new in their Tiffen Box, with Pouch. 2 Filters White Water Ultra Polarizers, reason? sent twice with wrong measure from vendor ( should have been 6.6x6.6 filters size). Regular price brand new on BH is 475.00 USD. asking 200 for each. Many thanks! Oscar Jimenez Filters are new, never used, no dins, no scratches,no smudges.
  5. Brand new in its own pelican case, never used ( just one time when testing it out of the box ) ojimenez@voltage-panama.com Many thanks Oscar Jimenez Voltage Productions
  6. Many thanks, will go tru it once over again. But many thanks indeed! best Oscar
  7. Hello, We have a Miro LC320S. When trying to use the EDR function on the camera, it generates a magenta pink cast over image, regardless CSR or be Black Ref activated at all the times, any solutions to this? it happens indoors or outdoors, so Ive never been able to use EDR for anything actually, As well camera settings are master gamma 1.6 ( for noise reduction ), contrast 0, gain 0, bright 0. Matrix is turned to off at all the times, pedestal/master black to 0. Many thanks for any input. After activating EDR I have done as well CSR and White balance, just to play safe, and again its the same. Best, Oscar Jimenez Voltage Productions, Panama, Central America.
  8. We bought our new miro 320S, couple of things, first, tried today to download footage on our Assimilate Scratch system computer ( PC Based, Windows ) no luck, went tru all the 20 or something steps to get the Drive to recon by the computer as EXT2 with no luck, it kept showing as RAW and asking for Formatting ( which we didnt do of course ) for the cineflash. now the RCU works good with the multipin cable, powers on, etc. but doesnt seems to power on at all with the lithium bp 511a provided by the company, I even bought the same canon battery on a local store, charged the batt with its own battery with no luck. Any clues anyone?
  9. Hi everybody, weve just gotten our new Phantom Miro M320S, I had only one prior experience refering Phantom systems with a Phantom HD Gold, and was a bad one, images came out very noisy, later was told by fellow engineers that cause of very noisy blacks was that Gamma adjustment on camera was set at 2.2 , what would be the "ideal" GAMMA adjustment to have a virtually noise free image? and does the shutter adjustment increments do that builds noise on cam as you increase it? Is Phantom still a NON HMI friendly camera?
  10. I still regret I left mine in an Air New Zealand plane, how could I be so stupid!!!
  11. Mitch, Ive just used a phantom gold hd from a rental in south america, they warned us that we were not allowed to use hmi lightning at all, regardelss they were Flicker Free Electronic Ballasts or magnetic, so we had to change all our package for zillion tungsten units to fill the needed t stop x 1000 fps shooting large exteriors at night, you can imagine the kind of nightmare, we tried a 1200 Arri Flicker free HMI just to test and there was a lot of flicker, so is that possible that this camera cannot be used with HMI lights, now that we are living on the 21st century? we had another issue, with noise on black or dark areas, even though we were correctly exposed, and then a kind of vertical pattern on the image as well, that happened on the second shooting day, the footage looks terrible with that pattern over it, Please, for any future, certainly cannot use HMI lights with this camera, at 250 fps even had flicker with a 360 or 180 shutter!!!, please give me any clues if you can, Ill really appreciate it. Best regards Oscar
  12. Hi Oscar,

    You haven't gotten any replies about the ILLUMINA lenses because they name isn't as well know. However, most lens guys are familiar with LOMO, the manufacturer of the ILLUMINA lenses. Join us on our Facebook page..http://www.facebook.com/pages/Illumina-T13-Cine-Lenses/162371847121047

    I can also direct you to some folks who own ILLUMINAs...


  13. Hi, if anybody got any info on any Phantom High Speed camera for sale, we are interested on buying one Many thanks indeed Oscar
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