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Nick Norton

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Posts posted by Nick Norton

  1. Very cool, great website.


    I find myself typing "Eclair ACL" on the ebay search page at least once a day!


    ...not that i have any money for acl gear, but i like to keep my eyes open to what is available. (Credit cards are a mans best friend.)



  2. For the amount of money you are willing to spend, i'd suggest going with a regular 16mm camera and "upgrading" to super16 down the road.


    First of all, there is A LOT to learn on the film medium... and you can learn all of it in regular 16mm. I would suggest getting something silent/sync if you plan on shooting dialogue/etc. A very versatile camera is the Eclair ACL. Not as large as some other 16mm cams and it's silent/sync.


    Also, one has to think of having a camera serviced if purchasing used from somewhere on ebay. 16mm cameras are going to be fairly old and certainly used in your price range. Also, the ACL is somewhat easy to convert to super16.


    Your best bet is to find a camera already modded to super16 on ebay... and hopefully getting a deal.


    But definitely do some more research to find out which cam is right for you.



  3. Thanks!


    Hopefully the weather shouldn't be less than 20 degrees. (Term bittercold is a nickname the Florida boys gave the contest.)



    Would a trash bag work? Should it be a zip lock bag, or could i hand tie a plastic bag and be alright?



    Thanks again


  4. There is an extraordinary rollerblading competition coming up this weekend, and i plan to document it on 16mm. (Eclair ACL)


    The competition is rightfully named BitterCold because of the weather typically experienced that weekend, and i wanted to make sure i took proper care of my equipment.


    When do i need to worry about the film fogging from condensation or the camera getting into trouble and needing the necessary plastic bag to toss it in?


    I'll be making trips from inside say a home, travel to the skatepark etc, and inside to film the event... but i also wanted to be able to walk outside and shoot what's going on in the parking lot (usually beer consuming.)


    so when do i need to worry about taking extra care of the film/equipment when shooting in these conditions?


    Thank you!


  5. So, before i can afford a proper mattebox, i have decided to purchase some screw on 85B filters to use Tungsten Film in Daylight.


    I understand Kodak rates the 500T film as 320 with an 85 filter, but how about an 85B?


    On Kodak's site is says to rate the 500 stock at 200 with an 85B... is this correct?




    Also, i understand the 85 filter is a more common tool to correct Tungsten film to be shot in Daylight... but isn't the correct filtration 5500k to 3200k... which an 85B provides? Why is the 85 so popular?





  6. Looking to get a 2x2 85B filter for my Kinoptik 5.7mm lens.


    The lens has a 2x2 filter tray built in, but does this mean i can only use 2x2 glass filters in that slot?


    How about Resin filters?




  7. Thanks for all the help.


    After sending the cam to Bernie at Super16inc, it's back and working "like a motherf*cker." (To quote Bernie)


    If anyone needs any more good words to acquire confidence in Bernie, consider it done. Camera works great and is REAL quiet.




  8. Hey Boris, i agree with you on the idea of limiting just how many Eclair forums we have to discuss through.


    I'm also very interested in your site, and think the idea of getting into lenses is a fantastic one.



    The ACL is a mysterious camera, so the more websites that really go into detail and provide answers to frequently asked questions would be a great help to future and current filmmakers alike.


    If anyone is looking for information, i could provide photographs and serial numbers etc. from my ACL II.



  9. I was hoping to eventually do a whole section on lenses because after getting a camera, in my experience, one's life becomes a quest for obtaining good, affordable lenses!


    Amen to that! I had been searching for a fisheye lens for my Eclair ACL and the best thing i could find was the Kinoptik 5.7 f1.8 lens. I JUST got my ACL back from O'Doherty, so i'll be shooting some test footage with the lens very soon. I'll make sure to post the results, or if nothing else at least give you my 2 cents on the lens so you might be able to include some information on it for your site.


    Also, definitely looking forward to the site's growth and a great lens section!


    And, yeah, the Angie 17-68 has no problem edge-wise. I find it to be very sharp all the way to the edges of the S16 frame at all focal lenghts, as all my other Angenieux zoom lenses.


    Saul, do you know anything about the Angenieux 10-150 zoom? That, besides my new Kinoptik, is my only other lens. Any problems with s16? (haven't got the money yet to upgrade, but am thinking about it)




  10. I understand the tight budget, so this may beyond that, but it's certainly portable and 24 bit:




    Thanks for the idea on the recorder Tom.


    Do you have any suggestions on the type of microphone i should be using? I'd like to mount it on the camera somewhere, so it would have to have quite some range. The properties of the microphones used on similar VX/GL/XL seem to be all i need (however, if there is a better affordable option i'm up for it.)


    What type of mic should i be looking for?




  11. why not use your VX or GL series camera, if the audio doesn't need to be any better. Seems that would be the most convinient solution, since even with the film camera, you'd likely need the video camera as well for pickup shots that you don't want to burn film on.


    Actually, this is an entire 16mm project. So i will certainly be burning mountains of film.


    The reason i wouldn't want to use an actual VX or GL... is because fumbling around with focus/exposure on my Eclair ACL while skating, following the subject should be difficult enough without having yet another camera in my free hand capturing those "pickup shots."



  12. My goal: To record audio while filming skating with 16mm silent/sync camera.


    As many traditional skate videos are shot with a 3ccd camera such as the VX and GL series... the quality of the audio does not need to be any better than that. (of course better quality audio would be fantastic, but i am on a very tight budget.)


    Anyone have some ideas for a possible mic/recorder set up that would be portable/easy enough to record audio while shooting 16mm on the fly?



    Thanks for any help!



  13. Yeah, the orange sync light is on the ACLII, but there is also a red light which is positioned right next to the green light on the ACLII body. (not sure about the ACLI/1.5)


    The green light on the ACLII comes on whenever the power is on, and it seems the red light flashes when the motor runs.


    However, me and Bernie though the red light was at first a "Fault Light" or in other words a light that comes on which means you have to spend a ton of money to get the camera fixed.



    Anyone else have knowledge on the subject?

    (information is, of course, missing from the available ACLII Manual)



  14. So, after sending my camera back to Bernie O'Doherty... turns out neither of us really knows what the red light on the Eclair ACL is for.


    I assume it is just a running light, which flashes when you run the motor.


    Does anyone else know what the red light is for? Does it flash when you run your ACL?





  15. Just wanted to update this topic in case anyone went looking for information on this particular viewfinder:


    After talking with the great Mr. O'Doherty it seems the Kinoptik "fully orientable" viewfinder does indeed exist and is, as it seems, the best viewfinder available for the ACL.


    Turns out my viewfinder did exactly what i wished it could, as seen in the attached photos. (image is always upright/correct viewfinder can complete full 360 degree rotation)






  16. I actually have neither of those viewfinders. Those are both Angeneiux viewfinders if i am correct... mine is a Kinoptik.


    However, you did answer my question... It seems i would need the Orientable Angeneiux viewfinder. (Or video tap)



    I've heard the Kinoptik one was best... could anyone argue why if it isn't fully orientable?





  17. After finally receiving my Kinoptik 5.7mm Tegea Lens, i am having a bit of a hard time framing up my compositions with my Eclair ACL.


    I like keeping the camera low to the ground, shooting slightly upwards... but my viewfinder makes this extremely difficult without shooting "blind."


    I have the Kinoptik Orientable viewfinder, but the viewfinder seems hardly "fully orientable."


    It seems all i can do is rotate the viewfinder on a horizontal axis (and i'm not sure how this would ever help you with a shot, seeing that the standard position for over the shoulder shooting seems like the only functional way to orient the viewfinder.)


    OK, long story short... do any viewfinders exist for the ACL that allow you to tilt the viewfinder on a vertical axis, a la the XL1 and XL2 viewfinder?


    I'd like to look straight down at my viewfinder if possible.





  18. Hey guys, i was just wondering if i'd be able to use my Eclair (cameflex) mount lenses on a 16mm bolex.


    I'm guessing i'd need some sort of C-mount to Eclair-mount adapter?





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