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Nick Norton

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Everything posted by Nick Norton

  1. Well if i go with the K-Tek KE89cc for now, and get the K-SM shock mount linked here: (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/331126-REG/K_Tek_KSMS_K_SMS_Boompole_Shockmount.html) and then the windshield adapter linked here: (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/292939-REG/K_Tek_K_WA_K_WA_Windshield_Adapter_Acessory.html) Should i be good as far as having a reliable mount/ windshield setup to last me for a while? I'd hate to buy a fishpole and then realize i need to upgrade in a short amount of time... and since i know nothing of poles/mounts i'm coming to you guys for help. Last thing, is a mount compatible with most mics if it accepts mics 19 to 25mm in diameter? Thanks again- Nicholas
  2. Well in that case i'm thinking of getting this k-tek pole. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/3199...m_Boompole.html Do you think 7.5' is long enough for a maximum length? Thanks- Nicholas
  3. Trying to decide on a boom pole. 1st one, but i want it to be my last. Was wondering what the real benefit of the internally coiled cable booms offered, other than convenience. Anything to do with sound quality? Also, if you were to get just the pole and separate xlr cable is the proper set up to just wind the cable around the extended boom to the recorder? Thanks- Nicholas
  4. Since i did not shoot on HD tapes, nor have HD capturing hardware... i think i'll be forced to end up with SD. But i really don't know (like i said, i am a complete novice when it comes to HD) I'd like to finish with the highest quality possible, so if that is HD and i am capable of an HD finish i'd go with that. (however i have no idea how to accomplish this) Thanks again- Nicholas
  5. If i export at Uncompressed Microsoft AVI, nothing shows up when i play the file in Windows Media Player. ...god damnit i have PC's. Thanks- nicholas
  6. Shot a music video with a Sony HVR-Z1N at HDV 1080i 60i. Not familiar with the camera (nor HD in general) and am having trouble capturing and exporting with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 I captured everything in 16:9 aspect ratio, full quality i suppose, HDV. Adobe saved everything as mpeg's, which i thought strage becuase i am used to having .avi files. When trying to edit, everything is zoomed in... guessing because of the 1080i. I can Scale the footage down to 45% and it looks like the right size, but when i go to export the footage as a Microsoft DV avi, the footage ends up losing quite a lot of quality. Please, anyone that could help me out would be doing me a huge favor. I need something to show my producer tonight, and i'd like it to look good! Thanks- Nicholas
  7. What does my supply voltage need to be to use the light in the states? Thanks Adrian- Nicholas
  8. Is there any brand that rivals ARRI as far as quality lighting for less money? Thanks for all the help- Nicholas
  9. Do all Fresnel lights have the ability to move the lamp closer and farther from the glass to produce a spot/flood light? Thanks- Nicholas
  10. I've been shooting for some time now, however have never had a proper lighting kit. I may have a shoot coming up soon, and need a light kit to do the job. I figure i need at least 3 or 4 lights: a key, fill, back, and or rim light. However, I'm not sure what kind of lights are the best option. My first guess would be a tungsten kit, lowel perhaps. However, i do not know the difference between the omni lights and the tota lights. Also, fresnels sound like a good idea to be able to change the quality of light from hard to soft. (this can't be done with tungstens, correct?) Money is of course an issue, and i would like to buy a quality kit that will last me for some time, and something that will let me experiment and learn the craft. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- Nicholas Norton
  11. So, after an odd encounter with a producer... i have my first shoot tomorrow as kind of an "audition." It's a music video, all exteriors, downtown/ghetto etc. I know i should get a (few) reflector(s), but wasn't sure if the ones at the camera store were worth the money. Does a substitute at say home depot work just as well? This is going to be shot on an HD sony fx1, have a tripod, crane, and going to try and find a wheelbarrow or wheelchair to use for a tracking shot. Can anyone think of anything else i should have on set? late notice, but this is my first shoot and could be an important one. so any help would be AWESOME! -Nicholas
  12. hell... even if it is just the 5 of us, why not?
  13. Would an arriflex 16s, m, or bl be a more reliable camera in terms of function and repair than the eclair? Thanks- Nicholas
  14. I'm living in Orlando at the moment, but i have a sister that lives in Gainesville and make the occasional drive out there. You know i'm down. My email is onthereeal@hotmail.com if you ever end up shooting that short and need any help. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'm game.
  15. Would just like to let any locals know i would be more than willing to help out with any production whatsoever. Two good hands to clean up, run errands, etc. I just really want to start getting some experience in the field and meet people who share the same passion. Thanks- Nicholas
  16. Just wondering if there was a significant difference in image quality or any other function between the two cameras. Thanks- Nicholas
  17. Yeah, that would be awesome. Also, if you need any help with the shoot whatsoever i would love to lend a hand. Even if that means just cleaning up or running an errand or two to the store... i know extra hands can be helpfull.
  18. How hard is it to get a NAGRA crystal sync'd? And also, if you we're shooting with say an Eclair NPR or Arriflex 16mm would you have to run a cable to the recorder from the camera? Or would your camera simply need to be crystal sync'd as well? Thanks!- Nicholas
  19. Yeah, that would be awesome. The camera worked perfectly on the first 5 or 6 rolls i shot, so hopefully the problem isn't too severe. I live in orlando, where are you located? Thanks- Nicholas
  20. Thanks for all the help Matthew, i appreciate it. -Nicholas
  21. Well, first a cartridge jam/ pre-mature END signal... and now... my canon 1014xls refuses to show any sign of life. No battery measure reading, no function, new batteries of course. Know where i could send it for repairs, or have any idea how much money i am looking to spend? Thanks- Nicholas
  22. I currently own a S8mm Canon 1014xls, but am considering to purchase a 16mm Eclair NPR. What i do not have is anything to record audio with, and i am looking for a portable recorder that can keep a constant speed with my camera. What is the quality difference between the two recorders, and what should i be looking for in terms of features? Also, how do the Marantz or Tascam recorders match up, quality wise, compared to the older reel to reel NAGRA's? Thanks- Nicholas
  23. Appreciate the help. I'm not familiar with a 'wind sock.' Know where i might be able to get one? Thanks- Nicholas
  24. In my need to shoot live sound, i was wondering if there was any way to silence the Canon 1014xls. I'd much rather keep my canon rather than being forced into a 16mm investment. Thanks- Nicholas
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