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Daniel Wallens

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Posts posted by Daniel Wallens

  1. Hi all,


    I'm looking at vertical vibration isolators (arms), and might be in the market for one. Does anyone have any experience with the ISO V8 from Griptech? Or does anyone own any Griptech gear? Just looking for reviews... 



  2. Aside from all the questionable opinions offered by Andrew, there is one part that is actually false.


    Fisher dollies (and others) are used on standard 24.5" track made by several companies such as FilmAir or Matthews. They may be used with sled/u-channel wheels or tracking wheels from Fisher (code TTW).

  3. I'm not really sure how it works, that's why I was asking. I guess the reasoning would be something along the lines of, it's money that, at the end of the year, is yours, but is specifically allocated to business meals. Honestly, I'm not sure.


    If anyone is a CPA, or has one who is good with entertainment/crew type people, maybe they can weigh in on this...?




    Or are you claiming that it is non-taxable income like per diem?


  4. Hello,


    Looking for ideas on how to repair damaged aluminum precision track (ie, FilmAir). Not talking about the cross-braces, buckles, etc. -- talking about the actual rails. Small nicks/scratches can be ok, but anyone have any methods/ideas on how to get rid of, fill in, or smooth out larger gouges or dents in the anodized coating? Looking for local (NYC-based) or personal solutions, not sending back to manufacturer.




  5. Hello,

    I'm looking for a recommendation for what the cheapest HD monitor would be. Something small (think onboard, roughly 5-7 inches). Doesn't need to be any kind of amazing quality, just something to see an image. Price is probably the most important factor.



  6. Hello everyone,


    For some reason I have an eyebrow/french flag that I would like to sell. However, I'd like to know what exactly I have before I do, so I can give an accurate description of it.


    Unfortunately, the item has no markings on it. All I know is that it is black, metal, 4x3/4x4, and came from an ENG/digibeta style setup. Is there a way to determine the manufacturer or anything?

  7. That is not sash cord. Sash, when on set, refers to weaved natural fiber cotton cording, such as what's listed in the links below. What you listed is polypropylene cord, a synthetic material, and that particular one isn't really used (save maybe for certain specific applications). That particular rope from Bevis that you found online, moreover, seems far too slippery, and if polypropylene is needed, better to get something like multiline or Endura for extreme applications.


    In answer to the question, the WLL of sash cord (natural fiber cotton) can vary greatly, but it's generally in between 30 to 125 pounds, depending on: diameter size; manufacturer; braid type; and core construction.








    (Also, a simple search online for "sash cord" will yield almost all cotton cordage: http://www.google.com/products?q=sash+cord&aq=f)



  8. Hello everyone,


    I am looking for the Arri digital cinema catalogue that was put out on 9/2009. Its basically a short catalog advertising the D20, D21, etc., with various articles in it.


    Does anyone know where I would find such a thing?

  9. No, a jib on a dolly probably would not be the way to go.


    Really, that whole last bit looks awfully like steadicam (based on how it moves, the unlevel horizon, etc.).



    The only questionable part is where the camera is "under the floor" and you see the bottom of the singer's shoes. This could either be a visual effects shot or just some crafty shooting/choreography under plexi near the edge of the stage.

  10. If it is a drop ceiling (tiles), can't you put scissor clips up there and do what you want with them?


    Also, I am actually working with Rodrigo Prieto right now on a movie (ones of the nicest DPs I've worked with... very cool guy) so if you'd like I could ask him about what he did in those shots if we get a chance.




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