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joe wigdahl

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Everything posted by joe wigdahl

  1. I've had people recommend Ivory soap flakes and potato flakes but here's my problem- I'm going to be shooting outside and it's supposed to be very damp so I'm worried about the snow degrading on the actors and turning into bubbles or potato mush. Any ideas?
  2. Can anyone recommend different products available to use for fake snow. I'm shooting an outdoor scene, fairly closeup and I'd like to have the suggestion of light snowfall in the shot- I don't need accumulation or anything because the shot is mainly from the shoulders up- the snowflakes will be out of focus- mainly it would be great if the snowflakes twinkled a little bit.
  3. If you watch the Chris Cunningham "Director's Cut" there's a Bjork video called "All is Full of Love" (watch it on YouTube) where in the extras he describes the amazing lens flares used for the video. It sounds like it was entirely dependant on lens selection. I'm a photographer, not a moving-picture type, and I know that in my experience older lenses, especially from before the mid-seventies, didn't have the glass coatings they do these days and lens flare was easy to achieve. If I know that need a flare, I'll rent an old lens with good glass and that seems to do the trick. If that's not an option because you're using a digital camera or something, I would suggest simply experimenting with the aperture of the lens. You'll get different types of solar flare shapes depending on where the sun is and how big the aperture is open to.
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