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Posts posted by nykvist_fan

  1. So anything up to penetration or actual contact is acceptable. In Ken Park, there is an actual masturbation and ejaculation scene, and I found that to be way out there. I don't see that as art, but the definition of art (not unlike the definition of is) is subjective. We can't get into aesthetic and topical critera for art. That would take up several GB by the time we got finished. :rolleyes:

  2. Marxism would be in direct opposition to the MPAA because it is a privatized board, and, in Marxism, there is nothing greater than the state. This is why marraige and religion are two things forbidden. They would absorb it as part of the state, and we don't want that. Remember the sexual revolution in Cuba? There would be no anti-Marxist ideology, no homosexuality. It doesn't work. You are making the classic mistake of associating american champaigne Marxism practiced by rich people (ala Susan Sarandon), and real Marxism like that which exists in Cuba.


    Comminism is not the anwser to censorship, because it is a form of censorship.

  3. This is fastly becoming an interesting dialouge. There is no logical explanation for The Passion rating decision other than that it caters to the majority faith. I challenge anyone to construct a proof stating exactly why this film deserves an R any more than Kubrick's film and not invoke religious matters. It is like a square circle; it does not, and can not exist in the real world. We know the truth, and all thinking people know this truth. I don't give a toss about Mel Gibson or his father, but I was sickened by this hipocracy. My father survived Auschwitz, you think he couldn't handle a movie?

  4. You're making the worst mistake in politics: telling the truth. But, if we are going to have a censorship board, it should be the definition of secularism. I don't want religious matters contradicting the distribution of art. It would be a most disgusting display of authoritarian majoritarianism.

  5. Puritanism is a myth.


    The process may change, but the mechanism isn't going anywhere fast. If memory serves, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe was the first R-rated film, based soley on the content of its language, which, even by modern network standards, is amazingly tame. Today, the language issue is nonexistant. That film would get a PG at best today, maybe a PG-13. So evolution does exist in these bodies, but sexuality is the primary issue that we are addressing, is it not? We are trying to get at what the evil of nudity or simulated (or real) sex is, and how that evil outdistances the taking of a life, or a maiming. No one on this board is more offended by a vagina than torture or murder, so what is the problem? To address this as an issue of puritanism, it seems, is a glorious way of removing one's self from cultural accountability.

  6. I sort of thought that was clear to everyone, but he kept spurring them on. Notice how he hasn't posted anymore? He was probably just some kid with nothing better to do. It's a very cheap, moronic way to have fun. I'm sure Errol Morris could make a very interesting film about him :D

  7. So, here it is, yet again. I see absolutely no nationalism or even a suggestion of a dominant culture on this board. Once again, I implore anyone to find any statements on this topic that even hint at one suggesting superiority.


    Last I checked we were talking about Blockbuster. This garbage has no place on the topic I started to talk about the MPAA and other international bodies, so, please, let's stick to what's written, guys, and not go into politics, because we are not talking about politics.


    And the Castro thing was a private joke between tim and myself, regarding an E-mail I sent to our good friend. Let's stuff the remarks, eh?


    If this is what this board has devolved to, that we can not have a rational discussion of the topic of censorship, i'm damn sorry I got the ball rolling. I'm still waiting for bill to stop hiding under his desk and give me some evidence. I thought the Farenhiet 9/11 board was bad, but this is just rotten. It stinks to unholy hell.


    I don't like people coming out to attack me because of where I was born, then running away, or, worse, talking about implied comments that don't exist. That is elitism. Funny, we were trying to prevent intellectual fascism, and here it is, right spot-on.


    And, Dan, how dare you ask me to be respectful of someone making bogus attacks on my character. Let me address the whole unconscious thing right here and now: that Freudian B.S doesn't fly here. There is what exists, nothing more.

  8. One thing we don't need on this board is Mccarthyism and xenophobia. If you took the time to read my posts, i've lived in the U.S off and on for over 20 years, and am proud to call it my home. How you got america-bashing from any of my posts is far beyond me. Post evidence to support my supposed anti-americanism, or keep your mouth shut. I love this country, and am a dual citizen who proudly voted for Al Gore. I care more about your country as a dual citizen than most who live there, as what, about 50% of the country doesn't vote. Up to this point, we were having a good discussion about various incarnations of censorship as opposed to good taste, but someone always has to show up with a hard-on about something or another and ruin everything.


    am very tired of all of the America-bashing that has been a constant din in so many posts over the last few months. I have very strong opinions about such things, but I will NOT bash you or your country simply because I may disagree with your views. I would ask that you do the same.


    You do not know my views, because I have never stated them. And, furthermore, how in the hell do I know yours? You have strong opinions? Take them somewhere else. You have absolutely zero proof that i've ever made any anti-american comments, and you are really starting to piss me off, man. I pay american taxes, my wife is american, my children are american citizens. So you keep your filthy mouth shut unless you know what you're talking about.

  9. It goes back to Kubrick's argument: Chaplin used cheap sets, but the content was such that no one cares. Hindsight being 20/20, I found Ep2's picture quality to be standard for the format, but i'll take story over technology any day of the week.


    Take The Unbearable Lightness of Being, for example: Nykvist used regular 16mm B&W to shoot the invasion scenes, and it's far more realistic than anything Lucasfilms can dream up. I still prefer EP2 to something like Dogville, which, IMHO, looked like crap. Of course, Lucas' films are a litmus test. I can't wait to see what he's doing in 15 years.

  10. If you call Errol Morris, he might help you out; he's a very nice guy. Here are his numbers: ph: (617) 225-0012 / fax: (617) 225-0016


    Morris designed the thing and his wife named it. If you watch all of his films, the first film he used it on was Fast, Cheap and Out of Control, then Mr. Death, his Bravo series First Person and, IMHO, his best film since Gates of Heaven, The Fog of War.


    FYI: The numbers are also available on his site, so i'm not spreading around private information.

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