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John Tipton

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  1. I almost always use the filter wheel and preset. After a while it's pretty easy to tell which wheel you need to be on if you are shooting in doc mode with no monitor. I find the varicam preset to look pretty good generally. If I do have a monitor and preset just doesn't look good, then I white balance. But, in my own personal subjective experience, white balancing doesn't always work. It often seems to make the image look even worse - so I go back to preset. Most of the stuff I shoot goes to tape to tape color correct anyway, so I'm less worried. john
  2. It's not too complicated, but I'm not sure where a good refernce might be found. anyone? john
  3. I use the Panasonic LH-900p lcd monitor. I has a built in waveform feature which is REALLY useful. You can just pop it up whenever you want. john
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