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Jonathan Bowerbank

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Posts posted by Jonathan Bowerbank

  1. It shows up every once in a while at the Castro Theatre in SF. I saw a print in moderately good condition several years ago- it did not look very sharp unfortunately, but to be expected given the limitations of format and available glass at the time.


    Yeah, I've seen it crop up at the Castro too, just haven't made it out. Too bad it isn't that great a print :/

  2. WhackoScope: Compose that!


    I worked on a corporate gig once shooting for 4:1, it was meant to work as a video bar at the top of a website, I suppose it was fitting for that situation.


    I'm now reminded of a short Svetland Cvetko shot here in SF called "On a Tuesday". They shot S35, 3.18:1 (protecting for 2.35), and I've been interesting in seeing it ever since I read about it in AC mag.


    AC Article: http://www.theasc.com/magazine_dynamic/Jul...Takes/page1.php


    Trailer: http://www.onatuesday-theshort.com/OnATuesday_Trailer.html

  3. I had a very rough time deciding. Regretfully "In the Mood for Love" had slipped my mind when I submitted it...and I can't say at this juncture which film it would replace


    In no particular order:


    The Thin Red Line

    The Fountain

    Snow Falling On Cedars

    The Road to Perdition

    The Assassination of Jesse James

    Goya in Bordeaux

    Brokeback Mountain

    There Will Be Blood

    Diving Bell and the Butterfly

    Saving Private Ryan

  4. JB,

    I'm just curious as to the one film, maybe two if he thinks really hard, that was appropriate for anamorphic. I'm dieing to know.


    Probably "Armageddon", if he thought really hard "BMX Bandits", and if his life depended on it "ABBA the movie"

  5. Chrosziel video or cine rigs should work fine with it: http://www.chrosziel.com/data/chrosziel/pr...StudioRig_E.pdf


    Arri FF4 or 5 are nice as well.


    Pretty much anything 15mm, that arms in (under or over) and has a focus gear you can unscrew, remove and switch to the body side of the arm, should do nicely.


    Just don't try to go too cheapo "Indie models" with either brand, as they tend get beefier and more difficult to slide into place.

  6. Anamorphic is such a silly format. I really don't very much care for it. At the moment, I can only think of one example of a feature film where the format actually worked. If I tried very hard I might find two. If my life depended on it I might possibly find three.



    Firstly, HILARIOUS.


    Secondly, I/we don't know you, and who knows, you could be a filmmaking genius who has a nearly divine understanding of appropriate format, frame composition, lens choice and lighting. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt. You think of all the superior cinematographers who have utilized the scope format, have achieved astounding visual results and have used the format to drive the story rather than distract us from the story, that YOU yourself are the one to judge? Your opinion sounds ignorant and uneducated. Watch some more films.


    I'm usually not this passionate in the forums...and comments from random unknowns don't usually erk me, but yours did. Congrats.

  7. Saw it this weekend and was blown away. Of course, it was in the IMAX theatre, in 3D. In regards to the 3D, it was pretty amazing and not as gimmicky as I expected. With all the high flying action, it did well at giving me those feelings of flight, vertigo and sometimes a fear of heights! It was pretty pointless in most interior scenes with the humans, but the cutting back and forth between the alien civilization and the humans was so quick, I suppose Cameron had to stay consistent.


    Story wise, I really liked it, sure it borrows from 100's of sources and similar stories, but I enjoyed how he managed to insert a political message of some sort while balancing it with a love story and a spiritual aspect coupled with a touch of science.


    And the animation and effects were simply astounding. They took the realism of Gollum from "LOTR" and took it to the next level, really impressive work from the effects teams. And I'm glad they used a relatively unknown actor as the main character, had he been more popular, looking at his "Avatar" version of himself would have been too weird. I was even a little weirded out by Sigourney Weaver's avatar.


    All in all, it's just an awesome cinematic experience, and that's what it's meant to be. Don't expect anything more profound than Cameron's other films...there are plenty of chicks with machine guns in this one.

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