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Brad Hodgson

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  1. Cool. I always hate to be too wordy, but I'm sure you're right. I'll try and word it more clearly in the project description. Thanks, Marcus.
  2. Cool, no problem... you're not interested. And sure, I may be kidding myself. I may not get one donation. If I don't, I don't. I'm a broadcast motion graphics/editor by day, so I was hoping rewards such as cutting together personal footage, creating an animation/film based on someone's own script/story, paying for a letterpress designed posters, creating and printing custom illustrations all might be good rewards for contributors. They may not be... cool. I do have gear. I didn't say shooting wouldn't commence if funding wasn't reached. I say in the project we'll be shooting over the next couple of months. I am paying cast/crew out of my pocket. I thought I'd try to use Kickstarter as another tool - with time and money put into rewards - to help fund it a bit. I am the producer as well as the director. I'm confused. Those of you who have such a problem with this, are you reading through the project/looking into what Kickstarter is about?
  3. Okaaaay, hey... I get the point! You don't want anyone asking for contributions through a site that is set-up directly for that reason. I just posted on the wrong forum, period. I should be posting this somewhere else other than a place people are struggling to make their own films, right? Got it. I'll remember that in the rulebook. I SAID, IGNORE THE DAMN POST if you're not interested. I HAVE paid for my past films out-of-pocket upwards in the range of 7k. Jesus, I said your point was taken, but yea, your post was sarcastic and rude. I'm totally fine with no one wanting to contribute or thinking the idea looks stupid. No problem, no feelings hurt if you aren't interested. KICKSTARTER IS SET UP FOR PEOPLE LIKE ALL OF US FOR THIS PURPOSE. So you're pissed off because I'm trying to use it as a tool? Cool, then I'll track you and in the future if you ever decide it's a smart way of trying to get funding and you make a post on a public forum using it as another tool - like your Visa cards and McDonalds jobs - I'll call you on it, deal? Listen, I want to see great art/films made. If someone else posted something here asking - NOT BEGGING - for help if people found it interesting, or passing it over if not interested, I'd HAPPILY donate $10 or whatever if I really liked the concept... If I didn't I'd just ignore the damn post and go back to searching for ways to rip-off as many unsuspecting people as possible.
  4. No, believe me, I sympathize and understand. I guess actually it was kind of insensitive to post here where other people are just trying to make their own art as well. I have much debt from other films as well... just trying to get funding like everyone else out there using Kickstarter as I find it's system a thoughtful and meaningful one. Boddington's post was ridiculous, but I understand the point. But hell, everyone in this post should go to Kickstarter, think up some thoughtful rewards for contributions, and start a project. If you can get funded because of it, more power to you. But sorry... wasn't trying to beg or be insensitive by posting here. Brad
  5. Hey, funny! It's a reward thing... I'm spending money and effort to thank people for contributing. But hey, it's cool. You think it's stupid, no problem... maybe just ignore the post then! Thanks!
  6. Hey all, If you've got the time, please visit my Kickstarter page for my new short experimental short film... I'm trying to get a little bit of extra funding to help pay the cast and crew what they deserve to be paid... you can get some cool rewards for your contributions. If you hate the teaser/concept, no worries... thanks for your time. http://kck.st/aaOmWZ About me: Brad is an award-winning filmmaker, musician, illustrator, and motion graphics artist in Kansas City. His most recent film was selected to be included on Paste magazine's sampler DVD distributed to 20,000 VIP subscribers and the winner of several festival awards nationwide. Thanks again, Brad
  7. Hey Keneu, Glad you're interested and very glad you like the music! Sure you can use it in a film... we've tried to make the legal as lenient as possible... for non-commercial purpose, you can use it however you like (credit appreciated obviously)... obviously if that turned into a commercial venture, we'd need to figure out details... but we're just as eager to get more people hearing the music and creating visuals for it. Thanks! Brad
  8. Hey Tom, Yea, at this point, I can't pay unfortunately... believe me, I would love to as I work as a motion designer and know how much work can be involved with projects. I'm hoping that may change... as we finalize label support. At this point, we're hoping that releasing the album for free will get some people involved who really like the music... even if it's just an archival footage mash-up or an existing project sitting in a back corner that could be reinterpreted... And if not, that's okay, too... just sharing the music with people who might be interested is totally appreciated as well. Brad
  9. Hey all, Haven't posted here in awhile... I started a new music project. If you have any time, please visit the link below to download the audio-only version of our album for free: http://biarchy.com/download.htm Burn it, share it... hopefully you enjoy the music. If not, you can trash it. If you do like the music, and you have the desire/time to create a video/animation to the music, check the Tasks page for info. We are asking users to create visual interpretations that will be projected in live shows/installations and featured videos will be released on a medial collective disc in the near future. Otherwise, enjoy the album for free. Featured on front page of SPIN magazine's media web: SPIN or direct link: Spin Earth Biarchy Another writeup from our city magazine: Pitch Upcoming feature on Swedish torrent site Waffles: Waffles.fm Thanks for reading, Brad biarchy.com biarchy.com/myspace
  10. Oh, and a quick note: in the jpeg Tripod 3, it looks like there are 2 small scratches on the arm; those are actually just two small hairs. I didn't notice that until the pictures were already uploaded. Thanks, Brad
  11. Hey all, I have had some financial obligations arise and am selling my gear. I've sold most of it, but still have my Cartoni Focus tripod. I've only had it 5 months and it is in basically perfect condition. This is the exact set-up I have: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/3664...num_Tripod.html I paid $1299.00 for it, I'm selling it for $900 + shipping. You can find pictures here: www.inthepinesmusic.com/Extras/Cartoni Send me a mail if you are interested. Thanks! Brad
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