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Joe Liberatore

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    Sony F5

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  1. Within the next 2-3 weeks I'll be in Stuttgart and need a DP / shooter for an industrial. Any suggestions are appreciated. Joe Liberatore Director Midland Video Productions - USA
  2. Hello to all from a gray but unseasonably warm Wisconsin, Can anyone steer me in the right direction for lighting rental - probably Kino-Flo's of some sort - near Tokyo? We are shooting some interviews and B-roll in Makuhari New City - I can't tell if it's a "new city" or part of the cities name is, "New City" - supposedly it is 30 minutes from Tokyo and Narita Airport. In an ideal world I could find a gaffer or very competant grip that also spoke descent English to meet us with gear and work for a couple of days. Before I go firing off emails or attempt to make phone calls I wanted to query the "brain trust" of CMLer's. Any insight or recomendations are appreciated. Joe Liberatore Director ? Milwaukee
  3. I need to recreate, with some modifications, an existing spot. it involves shooting individual articles of clothing spinning or being adgetated in water and then compositing all of the artcles together so they look like they are all together in a washing machine. My initial idea is to shoot straight down on a large, 6' X 6' maybe, clear container, place the clothing in the center and gently adgetate the edges to make the water move and in turn the clothes move. This is mounted several feet off the ground so a blue/green screen could be lit below. My fear is what the water reflections/aggetation/turbulence do to the key. Or is there a much better way. A link to the original footage is at: www.midlandvideo.com/cc Joe Liberatore Director, Milwaukee
  4. I need to shoot several time-lapse images for a documentary we are producing. I shoot very little film and have never shot time-lapse. Can anyone recommend a site that would give examples of time-lapse images and what interval they were shot at? Three shot call for people moving in the shot. If I wanted to compress about 6hs. down to 20 sec. - approx. 2fpm - would it look choppy, smooth??? Any advice would be appreciated. Joe
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