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Nick Passick

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Everything posted by Nick Passick

  1. Very useful information. Thanks for the responses. Nick
  2. We have a show coming up and one of the locations we're shooting at has very tight space for equipment, camera, talent etc... We've been discussing using mirrors to shoot into in those tight places. My question is if there would be a huge difference investing in optically pure mirrors (0 abberations in the glass) vs. standard mirrors? The DP has asked me (key grip) to research this because these optically pure mirrors are new terms to both of us. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We're shooting on Fuji Eterna 500T with the Arri SR2.
  3. thanks again for the suggestions! we'll be running a test shoot soon and I'm going to try out the various rigs. Thanks for the help. Nick
  4. Thanks for the info, the lighting inside is going to be very dark as the power is out, failed to mention this in the initial post. Motivated light from inside will be from few candles inside and then some low ambient light outside.
  5. Question about simulating lightning. It's a short about a man trapped inside his house during a storm. We've looked into Lightning Strikes and hopefully things will pull through. However, our two week deadline Lightning Strikes needs is coming up quickly and my school's insurance is being kinda slow, so I was hoping to seek some advice on ways around this. All lightning will occassionally be seen flashing outside a window but there will be times when we want it to light up the interior for a very short period of time, so we want it to have some presence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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