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sean tong

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  1. Hi this has been bugging me for a very very long time how do i edit 25p on adobe premiere? i had previous advice to edit it in 50i. Will that work? Im using the dvx100ben and there are not presets for that in adobe. Will the export to tape turn out fine? Please advice =) Thanks to all.
  2. Im currently using a dvx100b and was wondering about these few questions 1. i noe its not advisable to use different tapes on a particular camera, however wad about using DIFFERENT GRADES OF THE SAME BRAND? eg. the different grades of panasonic tapes 2. anyone with experience with the 3 different grades of panasonic tapes? any advice on which to get? Thanks in advance for replies. =)
  3. im not exactly sure if anyone has asked this yet but with the dvx100b (PAL VERSION), how would i edit footage in adobe premiere pro 2.0? The video's done in 25p. There isnt really an option for 25p in premiere pro, onli 24p. Any optimal settings? just wanted to make sure im not screwing anything up before doing my post. =) Thanks in advance
  4. im not exactly sure if anyone has asked this yet but with the dvx100b (PAL VERSION), how would i edit footage in adobe premiere pro 2.0? The video's done in 25p. There isnt really an option for 25p in premiere pro, onli 24p. Any optimal settings? Thanks in advance
  5. i see now that makes some sense. thank you so much. will try it out soon.
  6. god. im lost. are there simpler ways? im sorry on my ignorance.
  7. I'm so sorry all i have done are weddings and outdoor shoots using really simple lighting. can someone elaborate the instructions on key lighting etc and wad kind of lights can i get? Any specific brands? models? I might try the over exposure on the white cove Thank you all so much
  8. i have a client wanting to create an advert similar to the mac ads but the problem i have right now is to create the absolute white background. Ads can be found here Any advice on this? The lowest cost possible way? Thanks in advance to all =)
  9. hi, can someone tell me the main differences between the sony hvr z1 and sony hvr v1?? its been bothering me for a pretty long time :D i know the hvr v1 can do 24 progressive and am wondering why the hvr z1 is much more expensive? advice please. thanks loads
  10. yeah. working along this line now. would be more or less sticking to the pd 170. unless something good pops up. in the midst of perfecting the script. thanks to all :)
  11. honestly my equation is pretty badly formed and my previous works were camera loans from the school. which has been the pd170. take a look at my previous production's quality here. doubt im going to use the same camera again. <_< done by 3 people. so yea, my crew's pretty darn limited. ah thanks so much kevin for the kind thought. but im pretty far away. in Singapore. rentals here are really expensive and there isnt much support going around. Personally still struggling with budget :( .but thanks aniwaes.
  12. oh my concerns about 35mm were just secondary. as for wad ill do with the feature, probably dvd releases and really hopefully, picked up for the big screens. i was trying to get a camera in which ill be able to use in the long term. my past experiences with the pd170 making short films were nice but not exactly satisfying in terms of image quality. ive looked at the possibility of renting cameras/equipment but there isnt much choice around here. image quality wise how would the hvr-v1u compare with the hvx200?
  13. 10k would be the entire feature's budget sad to say. the p2 cards look expensive i would say, comparing the prices to tapes. if i was to go for the hvr-v1u, in which artifacting i hope, would be less of a worry cause the film's not exactly going to have pretty much fast camera movement, would a transfer to 35mm be possible? or rather would it be looking okay? so it would be safe to conclude that ill be chucking the pd170 away den? (if i was to compare image quality)
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