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Michael Hartig

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Posts posted by Michael Hartig

  1. Thank you - how could I miss it?

    That will solve my problem, I think.  But it sounds early to shut down the camera (end) at 13.2V... Is that what the manufacturer recommends in order to keep the batteries in good shape?



    I tried lower settings, but the batt pooped out before the shutdown could be enabled, causing a hard shutdown and bringing the batt to a critical discharge. Dionics just don't like to run that low. My settings are clearly not SDX menu defaults, but simple experimentation has proven them effective for the camera while maintaining battery health. My batts are about a year old - if yours are newer or older you may want to try slightly different settings.



  2. The battery menus (battery settings 2) have a section for setting threshhold voltages for warning and shutoff. For my Dionic 90s I set the near end at 13.8V and end at 13.2V. that gives about 7 minutes of warning before shut down. You can tweak it to whatever values give you the warning you require.



  3. Hi gang


    I have a portable monitor that is pretty big and heavy... have any of you run into an equipment solution as to being able to check color balance without twisting out your back? Is there a small LCD monitor that I  can trust to be at least close to accurate?




    Hee's the one you want. Nicely configured for the SDX900 and the Varicam. I'll have one in the arsenal just as soon as I win the lottery.





  4. I'm producing a show on SDX in the midwest and can't afford to send my crew to New York for some necessary footage. Anyone in NYC with an SDX900 interested in a small job? 1 to 1.5 days, 2 person crew w/audio and small light kit. Shoot mid September. Contact me off line.





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