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David Calson

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Everything posted by David Calson

  1. Ex. You try to plug in a 8k watt light but only have a 20-30 amp circuit, what should you do?
  2. Hi, which is more educational, insightful, bang for your buck...'The Grip Book' by Uva or 'Basic Grip Book' by Uva. Basic is like $15 cheaper but by the name of the title it sounds a little 'basic.'
  3. Words of wisdom, thanks James. But also, I want the license as a way to spruce up my resume as well as give me more job opportunities, say when the film market isn't biting.
  4. Sure, http://www.pennfoster.edu/electrician/index.html
  5. I've googled a bunch of keywords to no avail. Do you know any sites that specialize in pictures of lighting plans from famous movies? Thanks in advance.
  6. I am getting my electricians license soon but the only schools I can find seem to be online. Do you think getting your license from an online school is credible enough in the job market? Also, do think learning about electricity online is a compromise of safety?
  7. So blackbursting isn't a standard practice? Also, is there a standard fstop to start with, or like one you would never go below? What's the order of doing all the things you said?
  8. Hi, I am curious about the meticulous list of things a professional videographer has to do before the tape starts to run. I'd want to assume its just a matter of white balancing and pressing 'rec,' but I know better. Not so much about the lights, but what do you do to the camera say before an interview or documentary or any other type of professional shoot? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, what's the best way to get a more film look on a dv camera? I have pd170 in progressive mode, but am not sure the best shutter speed or fstop.
  10. Hey, what's your system for keeping tabs on electrical distribution? I've just started as a BB and am trying to keep track of a lot of loads quickly and accurately.
  11. Hey, what's your system for keeping tabs on electrical distribution? I've just started as a BB and am trying to calculate a lot of loads quickly and accurately.
  12. Thanks extra for the link mate, I'm hoping that does the trick
  13. Okay pretty standard question, I've got a sony Handycam Hi8 that's a few years old that I want to play around with on my VAIO desktop. To import any video I need a i.link cable connecting the two, the problem is my camera is just old enough so that it only has S-video and A/V out which doesn't go with i.link. So my question is, what kind of adapter would I need my camera to fit with a i.link socket? Thanks and any pictures or link to this item would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Self teaching you say, this I like, this I can handle. As far as combating this lack of knowledge I've recently signed on for internship at Crawford Communications as well as kept up with readings from Blain Brown and Scott Billups (the list will grow). As far as film school is concerned, I guess its one of those things I'm really going to strive to find a way to get into. Thanks David, very insightful. Blade
  15. Hey, Recently I've been troubled as to what the best/neccassary education is to becoming a succesful or just plain working DP at all. I'm an undergrad film major but have noticed only a few courses being offered actually have to do with practice (filmmaking I, lighting design) while grad's get to tinker with more up to date classes (Digital Cinematography, filmmaking II, digital editing). Is this lack of deeper and more custom expertise hurting my chances that much or are undergrads/grads relatively equal in getting their foot in the door? Just Curious, Blade
  16. DP's: How did you climb your way to becoming DP/cinematographer?
  17. Cinematographers, How did you climb your way to becoming DP?
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