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Dudu Stoz

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Everything posted by Dudu Stoz

  1. Hello I have a project comming up in which the illumination in some of the sets is planed to involve ultraviolet lighting . This atmosphere should be dominant so i'm afraid that ultraviolet fluorosent bulbs won't be enought. My question is to you if you aware to any kind of ultraviolet lighting gel that i can utilize on big lamps - or any other idea that may be sliping away of my mind. Thank's in advance,
  2. i'm workink for a few years now as 1st AC an recently also as a cinematographer Dudu
  3. hi, i've just got exceptet to the LFS cinematography program. It's one year program and it's a part of what they call craft extention programs. I would be glad to know your opinions about the school and this program in particular. All the best Dudu
  4. hi, i want to her you oppinion about what are the options for courses tought in english and specializing in cinematography, for someone who allready have experiense working in the Film/TV industry?
  5. For the PAR64 issue - well you can simply buy one and it may be cheper than renting it. The PAR64 is a very low cost reflector - hood + lamp may cost somewhere around 100$! here is a link you may check or just search the net for online ordering PAR64 hope this helps.
  6. Dudu Stoz

    DSR 450

    maintenance menu page 9 turn "wht filter inh" off and you will beable to save different W.B. setting to each ND filter using the pereset color temp dial in the mainainance menu or the A/B color temp dial in the paint menu - hope this helps..
  7. if you film 60i in the HDV mode you can get a good 40% pal and 50% nts slomo without the strobing effect by deinterlacing the footage (you make a frame from each field) and 25% with a slight strobing effect
  8. Hi guys, sunday next week i'm shooting with the Z-1 camera we are shooting in a location which is a kind of battle ship command post many computer screens(connected to one electricity phase) are in the set So: is there any way to synchronize this camera to the computer monitors? Thanks in advance.
  9. hi, do you guys know what is the proper way to perform a steadiness test with a camera that dont run reverse(arriflex SR3)? i mean if i rewind the film manualy how do i make shure that in the second expousure if will fall on the same perforation?
  10. Hi. does anyone know where i can download a .pdf user manual for the 35BL evolution camera? thank's in advance
  11. Hi, i am looking for the Arriflex timecode sinsitivity number i should set on the magazine for KODAK VISION2 500T 7218 stock and the one for KODAK VISION2 100T 7212. I haven't found those in arri timecode sensitivity tables . Thank's in advance.
  12. 15 micron CoC calculation is the number that will suit for the worst-case viewing format. because unlike in film focus is not a defenitive thing it ranges within the size of the pixel which is ~ 14 micron in HDCAM - so if a dot of light sourse focuses inside 1 pixel it is no mather how big the screening projection will be, the dot will only fill this one pixel, which i think makes this DoF calculation a definitive thing.
  13. well for my opinion the detail enhancment is good for anything to be broadcast in television, with detail off it will look too soft even with a sharp lens - but for anything going to teathral release the detail correction is too visible so it is better to turn it off as you said
  14. sorry, but the in camera detail has nothing to do with soft focus in the background(or in the forgound) it is the electronic detail enhancing of sharp objects - to be precice the detail enhancing circle drowin black an white lines arround lines where video level or croma vector changes radicaly.
  15. the DOF calculation on HD are the same as with film exept circle of confusion is 15 micron.
  16. Dudu Stoz

    arri tools

    thanks i checked filmtools and they are not shiping outside US, are there any other options??
  17. Dudu Stoz

    arri tools

    hi does anyone hopefully knows of a cine accessories on-line store that sells arri tools - (i need Arri Ground Glass Puller (Hirschman Style Tool), and sends it to the meadle east?! thanks in advance.
  18. The K3 camera do not have a M42 mount and dont accept M42 lens. It has a type of russian bayonet and the only lenses that are fit to this mount(besides the camera standart zoom lens) are some rare russian primes by Peleng, Helios and Mir brands.
  19. althought intresting phenomen i notised is that shading needs to be redone once in a while for the same lens using the same camera...
  20. Shading is something that need to be done by your reantal house. It is done individually with every lens using a vectorscope and saved as lens files that you will be able to recall after every lens change. About the 50hZ well eather you film 50I/25p or use a 1/50 shutter (you cant use 1/50 shutter if you filming 60i). goodluck with your project.
  21. Recent tests i did with the F900/3 i found that lowering the saturation level affect the colour bars of the camera which probably will cause some mistakes and missunderstandings due the post production prosses.. Do you guys know what other paint menu parameters will affect the colour bars output?
  22. to your opinion which HD-SDI downconvertor is the preferable one(miranda or are there better options)?
  23. hi i am starting a HD feature film whitch is going to a big screen release - 2 dilemas: 1. is there any technical dissadventages monitoring HD-video via HD-sdi over the RGB component cable? 2. i dont know wheather to choose to film 24p or 25p (i mean are there any post production difficualties involved with shooting 25p - sound sync problems etc.?) need an advice.. thanks in advance , Dudu
  24. what i ment is doing this digital cliping to put a sort of limits to the contrast ratios you would use in the frame because anithing above 100 IRE will probably be cliped in the final print anyway , but from the other hand maybe there is simpler solution to have this preview?
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