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Scott Pendarvis

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Everything posted by Scott Pendarvis

  1. I talked to the one of the guys that make the Tyler Mount and I think we resolved the issue. Thanks anyway Noah.
  2. Has anyone here had problems using the 900 with a Tyler Nose Mount? My camera did fine the first two days that we shot. The last day the picture was jittering like crazy. And yes, everything was clamped down tightly. :unsure:
  3. Yes, a polarizer can increase the contrast and yet I get more detail from the polarizer than from using the NDS on the camera. I am used to using a DSR500 which handles the high contrast much better. I still prefer the SDX. I just wish it could handle the contrast as well as my 500.
  4. I'm wondering if there is yet another setting on the camera that I've missed. I have experimented with the ND filters on the camera when shooting outdoors in bright sunlight. They do an excellent job of bringing out color and cleaning up the hotspots. Unfortunately, they also make the shadows so black I lose all detail. I have had better success using a tiffen polarizer. I think the camera takes incredible pictures. You just have to make sure it's not a high contrast shot. Or,... maybe I've got something set wrong. There are a gazillion settings on this camera.
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