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Everything posted by hihosliver

  1. Aaton XTR Prod for sale with or with out the Canon 11-165mm T2.5 lens. The camera package includes: Body, PL mount, additional Aaton mount, B&W video tap, 2 sets long rods, Chroiziel 2 stage matte box w/138mm round, 2 mags, 2 NiMH batts(good condition), battery charger, Canon 11-165mm T2.5 lens, modulus 3000 video transmitter, 2 ground glasses-16x9 and 4x3(for regular 16mm), filters(set of ND's, and a set of 85's, also a Schneider 138 pola), baby legs, hi-hat, standard 2 stage carbon fiber legs with 100mm ball Sachtler video 20 head, single sided follow focus. I also have the Aaton Intervalometer. It's a very simple, very good intervalometer. I need to sell this camera for financial reasons, so I'm reducing my asking price. Camera + Lens: $37,500 Lens only: $10,000 Camera only: $27,500 Please email me with any questions: jay.silver@verizon.net I will part with the lens separately from the camera, but I want to keep the camera together, so I won't be selling any "pieces" separately. Thanks.
  2. Aaton XTR Prod for sale with or with out the Canon 11-165mm T2.5 lens. The camera package includes: Body, PL mount, additional Aaton mount, B&W video tap, 2 sets long rods, Chroiziel 2 stage matte box w/138mm round, 2 mags, 2 NiMH batts(good condition), battery charger, Canon 11-165mm T2.5 lens, modulus 3000 video transmitter, 2 ground glasses-16x9 and 4x3(for regular 16mm), filters(set of ND's, and a set of 85's, also a Schneider 138 pola), baby legs, hi-hat, standard 2 stage carbon fiber legs with 100mm ball Sachtler video 20 head, single sided follow focus. Asking $40K with lens, with out the lens, $30K Please email me with any questions: jay.silver@verizon.net I will part with the lens separately from the camera, but I want to keep the camera together, so I won't be selling any "pieces" separately. Thanks.
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