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Richard Beirne

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  • Occupation
    Digital Image Technician
  1. Thanks for replying. I'll definatel be taking your advice and hiring out a monitor, but i ahve to check if they have a black and white option as they are of a very poor quality. Also, if i aim to film using a mid range contrast, and adjust the contrast in post, would that jeapordise the quality of my 'Colour pass filter' in premier? maybe if i use the 'colour pass filter' in premier first, then import into avid and adjust my contrast there?would that work? Rich Hey, thankyou for replying.
  2. Hi, my names Richard Beirne and i'm a student studying an MA in Television Production at Falmouth University (Cornwall, UK). I've recently been commisioned on an idea that is influenced by the style of photography used in "Sin City". Ive made films and short video pieces before but i really want to make this piece to the highest quality. The piece shall be filmed in black and white using a JVC DV5000 camera and I have access to numerous lighting rigs e.g. Red heads, blondes etc. I shall be filming using mini DV and shall be removing all colour in post production. I was wandering if anyone could help with any ideas on lighting or camera techniques that would ensure the contrast in my images would be of the highest quality i.e. my blacks the darkest blacks and my whites the purest white? Any tips and suggestions would be truely appreciated! Cheers dudes, Rich
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