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Luke Luoh

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  1. I've found out that it was a usage of the "motion blur" function in Toolbox 2 in the Da Vinci 2K Plus. Instead of horizontal blurs you can use it vertically within the power windows and have it process blown highlights at extremes in the settings. You then use a square window to limit the influences outside of the desired areas. Hopefully this will help other filmmakers looking to get this effect without going into the high-rendering times and setup times of the flame/inferno. Also, we've heard that this effect will look better done in Da Vinci as it would be using optical information instead of the layer info from a (damaged, as the Digital Beta is no where near film in color scopes, even in a 4K system... as Digital Beta can't hold that much info no matter what you do...) copy in compositing. I look forward to see if we can save some 2D times by doing this. We are going into final TC tonight (it's 4:30am here ATM, been cutting all day :ph34r: ) and will be playing around with this. Will tell you guys how it went... Cheers... (Edit: Spelling and specific info)
  2. Spirit has a streak filter? Anyone know where in the menu it might be in? We need to convey to the TC artist... Is that filter built-in to Spirit 2k or plugged in? What's the actual name?
  3. Well, guy said it was pretty fast when he did it in HK. It was apparently a different usage of a filter... making it glitch... Anyone knows how to do it optically in Spirit 2K? It seemed to have been used a lot in Music Videos.
  4. EDIT: BTW We are on a Spirit 2K system. We have 2 more days before final TC, I was hoping that we can resolve this before that :P
  5. This is a frame grab of our cinematographer's other film. We just shot a commercial where the director wants this effect for some of the hightlights (I am the 1st A.D.) The DOP insist that the light leak/halo/vertical line effect was achieved in telecine and not in compositing. But our TC artist in Taiwan don't know how to do it. ANYONE PLEASE HELP??!?
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