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Enrique Lombana

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Posts posted by Enrique Lombana

  1. Does anyone know what it cost to rent this camera? I saw a production crew ad and they said they were shooting on the Genisis and this was a low ball budget movie. I thought, are the Genesis cameras that available now?


    Just curious if anyone knew, thanks,


  2. Does anyone know how to smooth out the the sharpness in the movement when shooting digitally. It's just too choppy. For example, if you're shooting a helicpoter, it's blades would look more as if a strobe light was on them as opposed to a nice blur as film would do. Or even when a person is moving their arms fast. I know digital is not film, but can it be lessened a bit.




  3. Does anamorphic have better resolution than super 35 because it uses more of the frame, or all of it? And does it have to do with 2,3,4 perf because they're different size frames?




  4. Hi Terry,


    I encourage you to learn the proper format screenplay. For a few reasons. One, it would be understandable. Two, it will at least professional before the person begins to read. Three, you can judge the pacing of the story much better. Four, people will take you seriously, people in the industry anyway.


    I tried reading your story but there were too many speedbumps. Here is a link to a short I wrote with proper screenplay format. It's only 5 pages or so. http://www.geocities.com/fieryphoenixe/getaway.pdf


    All the best,

    Hope this helps,



  5. Maybe he may never get the super hero green light, but you can definitely see a talent there. The behind the scenes video was about 30 min and it was quite insightful as to what he was able to pull off with what he had.


    He spent his own money to do this, he might get a big producer's attention, and be big one day. I think it was a valiant effort. (practical is another thing)



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